So I haven't put a ton of time into this... probably about the same it would take me to draw one comic.
But it's almost done and I thought I would show you a sneak peek.
( (¤t=testrendermovie.flv)
SO I'm sure you are saying two things right now. One, why is the file so huge and choppy...? And the answer to that is because I wasn't paying attention and used the wrong Quicktime settings so the file came out at almost 30 mb for 8 seconds of video. It's choppy because well... Photobucket is free, the file size is large and you get what you pay for.
Download the file if you want to see it sans choppyness.
The next thing you are probably saying is ok but why are his arms stuck out to his sides?
Well this is because I screwed up the skeletal install from the model I started out with and by the time I found out I was done for the time being and wanted to render a little peek for you guys to see. There's no way I'm making all those bone and IK adjustments by hand so later when I have time I'll create a new skeleton for GUNBABY that will allow me to pose him and do some rudimentary animation if I really want to.
But hey... it's just a peek.
I wanted to Model Rabies this week too but it doesn't look like I'll have time. Lot's of irons in the fire.
By Sunday though I should have a couple cool still images for the front page and maybe... maybe a short animation. Either way I hope this inspires some other people to take a crack at their GUNBABY because after I run my stuff on Sunday I have no further submissions.
Anyway, watch the vid, let me know what you think. I'm a better modeler/animator than I am an artist. That's for sure. ;)
EDIT: Oh and I forgot his toothpick.... I'll have to fix that. LOL.
Hmmm. I guess this must blow or something since no one is saying anything.
If something is bad guys I could use some indication of what that is so I don't look like an idiot when I front page it.
Pretty please?
I like it.
It's hard for me to watch videos at work, so I couldn't see it before.
Obviously it will be better when you get the skeleton worked out, but I like the idea and think it will be cool!
Ok, my final images... at least for now, are up on the front page and in the final comics area. No animation. Sorry. Didn't have time. ;)
Sorry, Rob. XD; My silence isn't meant to be a subltle message. I've been busy being sick the last 2 1/2 weeks and now trying to play catch up with my own comic, so I haven't been on the forum in a while. But I just checked this out, and it's awesome! Look how far Gunbaby has come! XD I never thought I'd be seeing him in 3D, much less an animation. I can't wait to see some of that. =)