Hello, I'm Wendy and I write and draw Gilbert and the Grim Rabbit (http://www.gilbertandgrim.com). Well, when I can find the time. I'm also one of the forum staff over at The Webcomic List and recently have been running the awards over there, which I'm happy to say I'm done with for now, so I can do fun things like draw comics and sleep again.
Hmm. What else can I say?
Nothing that I can think of right now, so I'll leave it at that.
Nice to meet you all to the people I don't know here and honestly I'm not stalking you to the rest.
Hey, I remember you from the webcomic list forums and chat! Welcome aboard!
Welcome Wendy and thanks for all the hard work on those awards. ;)
Welcome to the site!
Hi there! Glad to have you onboard - I really appreciate all your efforts in making your first awards ceremony a success!
Thanks guys.