The Webcomic List (http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/) is an all in one fan/creator site which tracks over fifteen thousand webcomics. Thier primary goal as stated is to "display(s) the latest comics available from a variety of sites along with the date and time of their last update. We do this to enable internet geeks to keep up with their favourite webcomics quickly and easily, without having to check indivdual sites just to find updates."
While not strictly a collective despite its large membership it is one of the largest repositories of on line comic information on the net. Fans and creators come together with the common goal of reading, discussing and evaluating webcomics. With over seventy five thousand registered users on their forum The Webcomic List is an active and vibrant community of creators and appreciators.
In the past certain websites have created and voted on awards for webcomics, often within thier member community. Time and commitments have seen the end of most of those award programs. Last summer several members of The Webcomic List decided to create a new award for webcomics and the "Twickles" were born. Considering the sheer size of the community I can't imagine a better place for such an awards program.
The Webcomic List Administrator Wendy Wood; who was responsible for organizing the committee for the awards, released the following information about the awards and this years winners.
Quote"The Webcomic List Awards 2009 ceremony went live this past Sunday. You can view the announcement comics for the ceremony as well as links to all the nominees and winners here. (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/) Despite some setbacks causing the delay of the ceremony by two weeks from the date originally announced the first awards have been an overall success.
Work started on the awards following the cancellation of the 2009 Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards. Nominations started on the 1st of November 2009 and were open to anyone involved in comics, whether it be through creating a comic in print or online, running a comic hosting site, writing comic reviews or anything else that actively involves them in comics.
The comics with the most nominations were then handed off to panels of judges who picked the winners in each category. The judges were a mix of members of The Webcomic List community, notable webcomic creators, print comic creators and comic commentators.
Once the final nominations were in, a small group of volunteers, some from the organising committee or judging panels, drew the ceremony in comic form, an element taken on from the way the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards have been presented in the past."
The winners for the nine categories in the 2009 awards are:
Best Comic (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/bestcomic):
- Gunnerkrigg Court (http://www.gunnerkrigg.com) by Tom Siddell
Best New Comic (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/newcomic):
- Moon Town (http://moon-town.com/) by Steve Ogden
Best Gag-a-Day (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/gagaday):
- Girls with Slingshots (http://www.daniellecorsetto.com) by Danielle Corsetto
Best Longform (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/longform):
- Gunnerkrigg Court (http://www.gunnerkrigg.com) by Tom Siddell
Best Colour Art (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/colour):
- FreakAngels (http://www.freakangels.com) by Warren Ellis
Best Black and White Art (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/blackandwhite):
- The Abominable Charles Christopher (http://www.abominable.cc) by Karl Kerschl
Best Non-Traditional Art (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/nontraditional):
- The Dreamland Chronicles (http://www.thedreamlandchronicles.com) by Scott Christian Sava
Best Writing (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/writing):
- Gunnerkrigg Court (http://www.gunnerkrigg.com) by Tom Siddell
Best Character (http://www.thewebcomiclistawards.com/index.php/index.php/award/index/character):
- Digger of Digger (http://www.diggercomic.com/) by Ursula Vernon
On behalf of Webomics Community members and staff I would like to congratulate all the nominees and winners. Do check out all the nominated and winning comics. It is well worth your time.
I would also like to thank Wendy Wood and the members of The Webcomic List who made this event possible and shared it with the community. Your hard work and dedication to webcomics are greatly appreciated. I hope you have many years of success with these awards as they grow in popularity and esteem. Once again, congratulations.