Webcomics Community

New Members => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: Pete on January 08, 2010, 09:32:40 AM

Title: Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance
Post by: Pete on January 08, 2010, 09:32:40 AM
Greetings and salutations, webcomic creators and lovers alike.

My name is Pete Tarkulich and I'm the brains (or lack of) behind the webcomic Bardsworth (http://www.bardsworth.com).  I've been doling out advice on starting webcomics for a while now, and it's great to be a part of a community where I can reach more people to help screw up.  Er, succeed.

A note for those who trawl other webcomic forums/sites - usually I go by the handle "roofpig", but I decided this was more of a business type thing, so I'm using my real name.
Title: Re: Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance
Post by: Matt on January 08, 2010, 09:59:38 AM
Welcome, Pete. Strangely, I remember coming across your comic a few years back. I'd read through the archives but not actually bothered to follow along. Hmm, guess I have some catching up to do.
Title: Re: Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance
Post by: Pete on January 08, 2010, 10:01:45 AM
I'd like to think the comic's gotten better over the past few years, so hopefully I'll keep you as a reader this time!  ;-)
Title: Re: Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance
Post by: TakaComics on January 08, 2010, 01:54:08 PM
Pete's here. There goes the neighborhood... :P
Title: Re: Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance
Post by: Pete on January 08, 2010, 02:25:54 PM
Quote from: TakaComics on January 08, 2010, 01:54:08 PM
Pete's here. There goes the neighborhood... :P
I didn't set those fires, I swear!
Title: Re: Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance
Post by: Rob on January 08, 2010, 06:17:41 PM
Welcome Pete.

Thanks for dropping by. As someone with some experience I hope you will contribute with an article or something in the future. Either way it's great to have you here.  ;)