Hey folks! In about a month and a half (roughly) we'll be finishing up our current storyline over at Mysteries of the Arcana. After that we'll be taking a two week break to prepare for the next storyline. During that time period I'd like to promote other webcomics by posting one page comic summaries of them. So, if you're interested, draw up a one page summary at 600x971 dpi in size. It should be like a "movie in a minute" type summary you see on YouTube, showing off highlights of your comic or giving a funny synopsis. Give 'em to me and I'll post them along with a link.
This sounds like a sweet opportunity! Though I'm not sure I know how to draw a summary. It'd be nice to see some sort of example...
If anyone else does this, would you mind sharing your page summary? I know the setup can vary, but still, it would be helpful.
Yikes, my comic's only in it's second chapter, so I don't know how well I could fill out a synopsis... Well, I've got a month, I'm sure I'll cook something up! Thanks for this opportunity.
Intriguing . . . I may attempt this if I have any free time.
This might be a good way to promote comics at conventions, too. Have a one-page flyer that explains your comic . . . Hmm . . . I'm liking this idea . . .
It doesn't even have to be a "this is what's happened so far". It could be a "this is what the comic is about" or "this is the main character".
Quote from: Alectric on February 12, 2010, 12:32:22 PM
This sounds like a sweet opportunity! Though I'm not sure I know how to draw a summary. It'd be nice to see some sort of example...
If anyone else does this, would you mind sharing your page summary? I know the setup can vary, but still, it would be helpful.
Here's the basic sketchup of my idea. Needs lots of rearranging and rewriting but it gets the basic idea across.
Of course, you don't need to have a character narrating it. You can actually go over the plot of your comic, or make a mockup of a character's diary entry or something. Think of it as a one page flier with a pitch and get creative!
Oooh... I like! Good example!
"You can do anything you put your mind to, sweetie..." :)
I like the example, it really made me wanna check out the comic.
The example you gave was real good. It just seems like three more panels would've been a better choice than two paragraphs of text at the bottom. I was pulled in by the comic and genuinely intrigued, and then felt a little betrayed when it became a pamphlet.
Quote from: Doomami on February 16, 2010, 11:39:00 PM
The example you gave was real good. It just seems like three more panels would've been a better choice than two paragraphs of text at the bottom. I was pulled in by the comic and genuinely intrigued, and then felt a little betrayed when it became a pamphlet.
Betrayed? Or did it leave you wanting more?
Definitely going to see if I can get my artist to whip up one of these; thanks for the opportunity. ^^
When's the drop-dead date to have it?
I'll say by March 19th. But trying to have it earlier is a very good idea. I'm not totally sold on my ending yet, so the exact number of pages left isn't set in stone.
Is there a limit to the number of entries you can accept? If so, are the chosen by a first come first serve basis, or somthing else?
Fourteen. That's the number of days we'll be on break between storylines. And its pretty much first come, first serve.
Right, I'm having my artist put something together this Thursday. Should have it by the weekend. Thanks again!
Not a bad idea. I might whip one up posthaste later tonight.
We're getting close to our break, folks. So, if you want to be involved you need to get me something. MotA has just shy of 3000 readers. That's a decent audience to promote to.
Thanks for this opportunity, JGray! Hope your audience likes us:
(http://www.pantheracomic.com/misc/pantherasummary.JPG) (http://www.pantheracomic.com)
Also, if you want to include a banner in the news:
(https://www.projectwonderful.com/img/uploads/pics/34287-1267589312.jpg) (http://www.pantheracomic.com)
Thanks for the chance to promote! I'll definitely be linking you back out of gratitude. ^^
Out of curiosity, are you going to make the image itself a link to our site?
Well, not much has happened in my comic so far, so this was the best I could come up with. It pretty much gives away the first storyline.
I spent waaaaay to much time on it, considering I'm out of buffer for my actual comic pages. :-[
It's a pretty serious problem I have. I am just...incapable of making a comic with art that is less than my best. Stupid perfectionism. >:(
So how'd I do? The file size is pretty large, I hope that's not a problem. Oh, and thanks again for the opportunity.
The last time I tried to make a one-page summary, it went on for five pages. :P I wish I had more time to devote to these things!! Thanks for providing the opportunity, though. :)
Okay! Got summaries from Underling, Panthera, and Estrangel. Anyone else? I'm thinking I've got two weeks or so left of comic before our break.
I'm still on-board, but I haven't been terribly inspired just yet. I will get it in on time, though.
I need to figure out something for my comic, but summarizing my comic seems to be about as bad as when I had to summarize my literature review for a powerpoint...too much stuff, too little space.
I suppose I should ask before I make something, what are your thoughts on promoting something that isn't 100% safe for work?
As long as the trailer mentions its NSFW I'm cool with it.
Groovy, I'll see what I can dig up.
I've got nine so far. Three from here, six more from TWCL. From here I have Panthera, Underling, and Estrangel.
Ack, I totally forgot to do this. Okay, tomorrow I will definitely put something together, which should come easy, as my comic is total guilty pleasure humor. Thanks again for the opportunity!
Emailing my chop-job as I type! Thanks again!
We'll be starting up Monday. I'm posting my current list. Let me know if there are any corrections I need to make.
Sakana no Sadness www.sakanacomic.com
Supermassive Black Hole A* smbhax.com
Blurred Lines blurredlines.co.uk
Union of Heroes www.unionofheroes.com
Space Pirates of the Black Quarter http://mywebcomics.org/
Walking the Lethe www.walkingthelethe.com
Panthera pantheracomic.com
Estrangel www.estrangelcomic.com
Underling underlingcomic.com
Millennium http://millennium.senshuu.com/
Lovefeast http://lf.senshuu.com/
Between places http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/o/13371
Captain Ahole http://captainahole.comicdish.com/
A Mad Tea Party http://www.jonathondalton.com/
Is this the order in which they will appear? I'm anxious to see it up!
Yeah, is that the order of posting? And is it one-per-day (makes sense with 14 comics)? And where will links be? ^^
Thanks again for this opportunity. ^^
If that is the posting order, feel free to separate my two comics. :O For balance? I dunno.
Oh, you could link LF as http://lovefeast.senshuu.com, too.
Thanks for doing this!
In the interest of fairness, comics will be determined in random order as determined by the draw of a tarot card. I'll be using the Cups suit. They'll be assigned in the order I posted, so Ace will be the first comic, King the last.
I'm working on making it so the page links to the comic. The link will also be posted in the journal beneath. Your trailers will be the last ones on this old page style. A whole new page layout will debut with chapter 2 of Mysteries of the Arcana.
Hah, tarot cards! How appropriate.
Okay, thanks!!
Webcomic Trailers started today over at Mysteries of the Arcana.
For now, the links are located in the journal. JD, who wrote the CMS I use, explained how to change it so that the comic links directly to another site, but my mind got sucked out of my brain by my children. Sorry. :(
Here's the order stuff will be running in:
Space Pirates of the Black Quarter
Union of Heroes
Between Places
Captain Ahole
Blurred Lines
Sakana no Sadness
A Mad Tea Party
Walking the Lethe
Supermassive Black Hole A*
Do you need a banner for the journal?
So my trailer will be shown on April Fool's Day? Hmmm, how I can use that, I wonder?
Quote from: Alectric on March 30, 2010, 01:05:15 AM
So my trailer will be shown on April Fool's Day? Hmmm, how I can use that, I wonder?
MoTA involves universe-hopping, so it's ripe for (presumably non-canonical) crossover.
If you want one specifically for this, sure. Otherwise, I'll just grab your banner from here or your website. The trailer page now links directly to the comic it represents.
Oh, hey, excellent with the direct-link.
Changed my banner to use:
Thanks man. I think I'm done now. ^^
Did you remove the trailers from your archives? I just wanna know so I don't keep a broken link on my site...
I did, yes. Everything not in the actual storyline was removed from my archives yesterday.
I always thought you were gonna put them in a different archive section. Though maybe you could end up doing that thing you told me about...
Give me time here, please. :) I'm still working out bugs in the new layout.
Of course! :D No rush. (I'll just be waiting over here with my hot poker...)
All right everyone... J is up to his neck right now... let's not Zombie horde attack him.
At least not yet anyway.