Hello everyone! I found this site through Fleen (http://www.fleen.com). My name is Brad Hawkins, and for about six years I had a webcomic called Monkey Law (http://www.monkeylaw.org). That's defunct, and I've been working on plans for a new one for a while now... however, I kind of got sidetracked with my other project, which is a webcomics plugin for WordPress called stripShow (http://stripshow.monkeylaw.org).
I'm gearing up to release version 2.5, and just put up the first beta. If anyone is interested in exploring an alternative to ComicPress (man, I hate that phrase, like Mac users hate "Windows alternative"), I invite you to give it a try. It's part of the WordPress Plugin Directory at http://www.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/stripshow (http://www.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/stripshow).
I'm not just here to shill my product, though, so I'll refrain from getting into any more details... PM me if you'd like more information.
Right now, I'm interested in overcoming the shortcomings that led me to scrap my comic. I was frustrated by the amount of time it was taking (and I'm talking here about the writing and drawing part). I've been trying to explore other ways of making art, such as switching to Illustrator, but I'm finding that to be just as time-consuming. Has anyone come up with an interface where images can be beamed directly from your brain into a computer yet?
Hello there! Welcome to the party. Hope you learn a thing or two out here. Do you plan on bringing your comic back or startin a new one? What part of creating your comic takes you the longest?
Oh man.... once we can beam images out of our brains... art will be like...well mine will probably still suck. But other peoples' art will be amazing. They'll be like "oh you want a comic? BAM! Have a comic. I'm updating 37 times a day now."
I'm sure you saw the article on BlkKnight's CSM Comic Reef over at Fleen. It's a pretty good model for a sort of informative beta for a CMS announcement type thing. If you want to come up with something similar you are more than welcome to submit it to me and we'll front page it here.
Maybe you'll get yourselves some new Beta participants. At the very least getting the word out is always good.
Welcome to the site. ;D
Thanks for the kind words!
I did not, actually, see the Fleen article on BliKnight's CMS. I'd like to check it out. My plugin is for WordPress, just taking a bit of a different tack than ComicPress. ComicPress is a theme; stripShow can be used with any theme.
I am interested in seeing what people have come up with for other platforms, though. I know Chris Wright of Help Desk (http://www.ubersoft.net/) has come up with some stuff for Drupal, but he wasn't in a position to release or document it last time I asked...
Well here's a link for you.... fresh out of the oven.
First off, welcome to the board!
Something I should add which isn't documented in the article is that my CMS isn't an add-on, plugin, etc. It's a straight-up independent system.