Webcomics Community

New Members => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: Hazumirein on February 12, 2010, 09:56:02 PM

Title: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Hazumirein on February 12, 2010, 09:56:02 PM
Hey everybody :3 I found this site...somewhere. I actually can't remember now O.o. Uh, anyway, I'm Liz, or Hazu, if you prefer. I've got a webcomic called DreamCatcher (http://www.dreamcatcher.freei.me) that's been eating up nearly all of my free time for the past couple years. But it's fun. Or maybe I'm just a masochist. I live in the middle of nowhere (AKA southwest PA, which is buried under a few feet of snow right now), therefore I haven't got a social life. When I'm not comicing, I can be found trying to keep up with my insane English teacher and her assignments, watching TV, writing, or doodling. Mostly doodling. And sometimes scribbling. Occasionally even actually drawing.

Aaannnyway, it's cool to find somewhere specifically for webcomic creators. I'm looking forward to hanging out here and meeting everybody =D

And...I think that's it. Bye now.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Dr. BlkKnight on February 12, 2010, 11:28:07 PM
I know your comic from Drunk Duck.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: amanda on February 13, 2010, 02:08:52 AM
Welcome fellow Ducker =D
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Rob on February 13, 2010, 05:11:33 AM
I like your art and the navigation on the page you have linked in your first post really is quite nice and interesting. I'd say the only issue is that it gives me fits because there is no clear way to get to the actual comic. Going through the archive takes two clicks and a scroll to get to the latest comic and then.... it doesn't appear to actually be the latest because once you are in the actual comics if you "Home" it takes you to a different; seemingly more current comic. And the fact that "Home" on that page you linked in your first post and "Home" whilst in your comic archive takes you to two distinct places is also confusing.

Also, once you are in the comics there does not seem to be an easy way to get back to that page you linked in your first post from the comic.

Your comic page is standard word press/comic press stuff but I really like that page you have linked above. Much more creative. I also really like the way you have integrated your cast page into your about page. Your brief synopsis of the main plot there, as well as your tag line "So much for Imaginary are quite well done."

Sorry for the unsolicited site advice if you weren't looking for it. Often when a new member joins if I have a hard time navigating their site or I'm really impressed with it I'll just spout it out primarily because; at least to my minds, there is little more valuable to a website as far as feedback goes than a new readers first impression. My first impression of your site is that I like the art, synopsis and tagline and your splash page (I guess that's a name for it) but there seems to be a sever divide between that very creative page and the reality of your comic press comic.

Welcome to the site. If you need anything don't be afraid to throw a rock at me or something.  ;D
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Hazumirein on February 13, 2010, 10:00:20 PM
@Amanda and BlkKnight: Hello fellow Drunk Duckers! =D

@Rob: Ahaha, thanks for the advice, I appreciate it actually. The site's new (and is also my first attempt at building a website totally on my own), so I'm still working out a few bugs with it, and I haven't had a chance to get much in the way of feedback.

Anyway, the page I linked to in the post is what I call the homepage of the site, even though it's not the actual comic. On that page, there's a "latest!" link right above the logo that takes you to the latest comic, as well as the archive page link and the whole "new reader? Click here!" thing, which takes you to the first page of the comic. I thought that was relatively clear, but then again I designed it, so maybe I'm wrong XD.

The issue with the archive not actually linking to the latest page was entirely my fault; I forgot to update it ^^;. That's fixed now.

The only part of the site that's run through Wordpress is the actual comic portion, which is why the layout there is so dull compared to all the other pages (which are just normal, stand alone HTML pages). Wordpress is a major pain when it comes to layouts. I tried to make it more interesting, like the rest of the site, but that wasn't working ><. It's on my list of things to improve upon once I figure out how. Also, the "Home" link on the top of comic pages (which just seems to link to the latest page) is another Wordpress issue -_-. I can't seem to get rid of it, nor can I make it link to the actual homepage. It's there by default, and it won't. Go. Away.
Anyway, there's a regular link to the /actual/ homepage in the "Navigation" section under the actual comic. But yeah. That whole comic section layout definitely needs some work when I have time to sit down and figure it out.

Haha, anyway, thanks again for the (admittedly random) advice, and thanks for the welcome :3 Glad to be here.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Dr. BlkKnight on February 14, 2010, 12:33:31 AM
If you want to preserve your fancy layout, I am in the process of beta-testing a system that breaks free of Wordpress or any other blogging software. It might be what you need, and information about it is conveniently featured here at http://forum.webcomicscommunity.com/index.php/topic,274.0.html.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Hazumirein on February 14, 2010, 01:26:32 AM
Ooh, that system sounds awesome =]. I'll definitely have to give that a try when it's officially released.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: raerae on February 14, 2010, 11:08:02 AM
Hi! Hope you find it comfortable here. X3 You have a wonderful style.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: GaborBoth on February 14, 2010, 11:58:38 AM

Something I might warn you about: Your website is flagged dangerous by WOT (Web of Trust) which is a popular Mozilla addon. http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/dreamcatcher.freei.me (http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/dreamcatcher.freei.me)
My other addons (clicker and such) all flag you dangerous too. Of course this is not your fault but your host's, so you may wanna consider moving.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Hazumirein on February 14, 2010, 02:14:39 PM
@Raerae: Thanks! I already like the place, so I think I'll be very comfortable :3

@GaborBoth: Yeaahhhh, that's kind of the issue with free hosting. I haven't found any problems with it personally, but I have been meaning to look into a somewhat better host. Thanks for the heads-up.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Alectric on February 14, 2010, 02:29:50 PM
I use Comicpress so I don't know if this advice will work for you, but if so then I'm pretty sure removing the Home link is easy.  Open the header.php file, and go to the code that's similar to this:

<ul id="menu">
<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'?>" title="Home">Home</a></li>
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=4&title_li='?>
<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'?>" title="RSS">RSS</a></li>

Then just delete that first line after <ul id="menu">.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Hazumirein on February 14, 2010, 09:41:36 PM
@Alectric: Haha! It worked! It wasn't exactly the same code, and it took me awhile to find the header file, but I got it and the Home link is gone =D Thanks a bunch for the help, I owe you one.
Title: Re: Greetings from the middle of nowhere! =D
Post by: Alectric on February 15, 2010, 12:51:49 AM
Glad I could help! ;D