Well, hello :) Name's Shouri, and I saw the link to this site over one of Yamino's tweets so I just decided to join XD So yeah,
Ow. Sorry about responding late, but after I clicked that link a clenched fist of unsafely concentrated cute shot out of the screen and knocked me out flat. You should put a warning up x_o.
Seriously though, welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time here. And your art is great!
Your characters are adorable. I really like your use of patterns in your backgrounds. They are lively without appearing lazy like some people end up looking.
Welcome to the site. Any friend of Yamino.... 8)
Welcome to the site and stuff!
Welcome to the site!
Your art is absolutely adorable!
Hi there =D Welcome to the forums - please help yourself to our complimentary popsicles.
Haha Nuke, your comment made me giggle XD Thanks for the hi's and comments!
Quote from: Rob on February 16, 2010, 10:44:09 PM
Welcome to the site. Any friend of Yamino.... 8)
Oh I wouldn't call myself a friend, merely a stalker...? 8)
Quote from: Shouri on February 17, 2010, 12:12:18 AM
Haha Nuke, your comment made me giggle XD Thanks for the hi's and comments!
Quote from: Rob on February 16, 2010, 10:44:09 PM
Welcome to the site. Any friend of Yamino.... 8)
Oh I wouldn't call myself a friend, merely a stalker...? 8)
Oh ok. Any fellow stalker of Yaminos'... 8)