Hey everybody!
I'm Karl Kleese, creator/artist/writer of Willow's Grove over at http://www.willowsgrove.com/wordpress (http://www.willowsgrove.com/wordpress). I've been doing comics since I was a wee lad and WG since 1990, first aiming at syndication but after years and piles of rejection letters, brought it to the web first in '99, then again 2003-2005 taking a 3 year hiatus to work on another strip for ibgames before coming back with WG in late 2008. Willow's Grove is about a group of friends who live in a small town in north central PA (called Willow's Grove....heh). The current storyline has two of the main characters being kidnapped by a mysterious group in space called the Central Nexus. They managed to take control of their ship and are trying to find their way home. It is a sci-fi, comedy, drama...would that be Scomedrama? I'll leave that up to you, my readers to decide!
Welcome Karl. Thanks for joining.
Your premise sounds really complex and long form. I know there are a lot of folks who really dig on the long form stuff.
I hope you have fun. And dress yourself up a bit. An avatar and banner from your comic so we can all see a sample of what Willow Grove looks like (I've already been so I know what it looks like but you are depriving others!).
Thanks again for joining. ;)