Obviously writing is very broad and even comic writing can and probably will be influenced by books. I personally have only started reading a lot recently (as many young people I thought reading took too much effort compared to TV, little did I know it was worth it) but I've quickly become a big fan of Neil Gaiman (Neverwhere), Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and Terry Pratchett (Discworld, but specifically the book that made me hooked was 'Mort').
What do you lot like to read?
Books! My favourite topic! \o/
I am a huge fan of Pratchett-- I think he is one of the best writers around. If you like his style you should also try Jasper Fforde (start with The Eyre Affair (http://www.amazon.com/Eyre-Affair-Thursday-Novels-Penguin/dp/0142001805/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267126457&sr=1-1)). I recently finished his latest novel (and start of a new series) Shades of Grey (http://www.amazon.com/Shades-Grey-Novel-Jasper-Fforde/dp/0670019631/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267126820&sr=1-1), which was excellent.
Other than Pratchett, my favourite author is Lois McMaster Bujold (start with Cordelia's Honor (http://www.amazon.com/Cordelias-Honor-Vorkosigan-Saga-Omnibus/dp/0671578286/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267126603&sr=1-1)). If I could ever tell stories and create characters as well as she does, I would die happy. Okay, and my other other favourite is Megan Whalen Turner, who hasn't published near enough books (but has one coming out next month and I CAN'T WAIT), but the ones she has done have places of honour on my shelves. Start with The Thief (http://www.amazon.com/Thief-Queens-Book/dp/0060824972/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1267126981&sr=1-1).
I'd love to hear more recommendations!
To quote Hamlet when asked what he was reading: "Words."
If I had to pick one favorite it would probably be John Steinbeck. The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, and Cannery Row particularly.
I also love Hemmingway, Mark Twain, and Douglas Adams.
Science Fiction is my favorite genre. I don't know if he is in or out of favor at the moment, but I love Heinlein. Clarke, Niven, Pournelle, Asimov, Dick. Lots of SF writers.
I like poetry too. Tennyson especially. Langston Hughes was great.
Haven't had enough time to read for pleasure in a long time. Mostly been reading technical (programming related) books for the past number of years.
Ooh, Lois McMaster Bujold is awesome. I'm a big fan of George R. R. Martin (though I'm a little irked at the time it's taking him to finish up book five in the series), and my favorite book is House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.
In general, I read entirely too much, and I don't have a genre preference. I'll read anything (except Walt Whitman because gross).
I like reading short stories, especially humor stories, like by S. J. Perelman, Stephen Leacock, Robert Benchley and the like. I've always liked Agatha Christie and mysteries in general, and a bit of Shakespeare now and then.
My favorite books:
The Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling
Doctrine of the Labyrinth series by Sarah Monette
Havemercy by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett
Pretty much anything by Dianna Wynne Jones
I'm mainly a fantasy reader. I will give anything a chance, though.
I really enjoy Robert Benchley. One of the funniest guys ever. Glad you mentioned him, Harrington!
One of my favorite stories is his "A Good Old Fashioned Christmas" (or some variation thereof).
I second Diana Wynne Jones! ;D
QuoteI really enjoy Robert Benchley. One of the funniest guys ever. Glad you mentioned him, Harrington!
One of my favorite stories is his "A Good Old Fashioned Christmas" (or some variation thereof).
Oh yeah, that one was hilarious! I liked the one called "Family Life in America" too, about "realism" in literature. He was a great writer.
I'm also a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft, despite the cringeworthy racist moments. What a bastard.