Has anybody else using PW noticed that the bids as a whole seem to run in spurts of extreme expense, then long periods of being cheap?
For instance, today, seemingly every PW ad box in existence seems to have exploded in cost; I see some up 400-500%. I tried to start a campaign today, and quickly killed it after an hour of running four cents per click. Why does it get so expensive all of a sudden?
I think the reason why this happens is the introduction of two very large "campaigns" at the exact same time. I notice that many, many PW spots right now are occupied by an Evangelion ad. However, a single large advertiser couldn't do that--it would take two in a bidding war for each spot. So I think what drives these occasional spurts of expense are two (foolish) advertisers carelessly dumping massive amounts of money into the system and just setting it to "go".
In any case, for people who use PW as sellers, rejoice in a bit of extra income--and those who use it as buyers, wait until the fury cools a bit before you start advertising again. ^^ Thoughts?
Yeah, that's true actually.
They do jump up and down sometimes.
I think that is just he nature of the beast, sometimes people bid more, sometimes less.
I must say though, I've had pretty good success advertising on panthera!
--really? Yay! I'm glad my readers are checking you out. ^_^
I think you hit it on the head -- it takes at least two people going crazy on the system to drive up the price.
It's one of PW's weaknesses, I feel, since it means that 90% of the time someone's getting freakin' lucky...
EDIT: Wow, advertising on Panthera really DOES work wonders!
Quote from: lastres0rt on May 08, 2010, 09:29:08 PM
EDIT: Wow, advertising on Panthera really DOES work wonders!
I am stealing that quote (and Harkovast's) and using it to promote business. :D thank you for your support!!
One or two bidders on a spending spree can raise your revenue. Also, raising your stats raises your revenue. There are threshholds for ad searches. Someone might look for a site with an average of over 2000 uniques per day, for example, and you might get there one week due to a plug on another comic, then drift back down below the next week.
That's happened to me before. When Shadowgirls plugged Mysteries of the Arcana it had a nice jump and, during that week, my rates shot up. The next week, it drifted down again.
Quote from: JGray on May 13, 2010, 07:15:38 AM
One or two bidders on a spending spree can raise your revenue. Also, raising your stats raises your revenue. There are threshholds for ad searches.
My methodology involves having minimum prices, so my ads are also showing off stuff for Zazzle (and will eventually expand to showing off other things I have for sale too!) when I don't feel I'm getting my money's worth.
I must say, it DID increase my revenue from the ads, if even a little...
I noticed that those who claim to have had a spike in pageviews by advertising on Panthera are furry comics. Would one of a different genre do just as well? It would be fun to experiment.
i can't wait to actually use PW. i know it'll be a long time til i can get there haha