Webcomics Community

New Members => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: amuletts on March 08, 2010, 04:06:15 PM

Title: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: amuletts on March 08, 2010, 04:06:15 PM
I am the evil genius behind Epic Fail!  www.comicofepicfail.com

Behold what happens to my enemies! Bow down and serve me!

See my video; it's EPIC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5e4J8iU3HQ

Help Epic Fail to win the Webcomic Planet War by posting this video everywhere: On your websites, blogs, twitter, social networks and anywhere else you can think of.
Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: Dr. BlkKnight on March 08, 2010, 04:16:02 PM
Welcome to the board...I think.

You are going to stay past the advertising, right?
Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: Gibson on March 08, 2010, 04:24:49 PM

Am I getting this right? You're somehow going to win the internet by posting a video that depicts the violent destruction of a bunch of webcomics and asking other people to do the same? I'm curious what makes you think that people who make webcomics are going to be big supporters of you hating on other webcomics. Some of those webcomics might be made by members of this community. I'm not sure what you're hoping to accomplish, but I suspect this is one of those things where people do something really juvenile and inappropriate and then think everyone is just being uptight when they don't find it hilarious, like the problem is us.

No, I won't be posting that video anywhere. I regret watching it myself.
Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: amuletts on March 08, 2010, 04:44:19 PM
The theme of the Webcomic Planet War is 'Evil Genius.'  We're supposed to role-play!  I only included people in the video who joined the competition, so basicallt they're in on it (I.e. no offense meant, none taken).  Sorry but evil geniuses are... well, evil.

Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: Rob on March 08, 2010, 06:41:53 PM
Well that makes more sense. If they are participating voluntarily and are part of the contest then that's fine.

You might want to consider giving that explanation up front though.  :-\

Welcome to the site. Hollar if you need anything. Hope to see you around.  ;)
Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: amanda on March 08, 2010, 07:31:28 PM
Welcome to the fun - good luck in the contest.
Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: amuletts on March 08, 2010, 08:47:34 PM
Ha ha, yes! A little more explaination might have helped.

And yes Dr. Blknight, seeings a how the people on this forum seem awesome and friendly and all I will probably be sticking around.
Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: Gar on March 09, 2010, 05:44:29 AM
It's a good friendly forum, the hate fairy hasn't visited us with her troll army yet, so that's good.

What are the rules for this webcomics war thing? It sounds like a good fun marketing opportunity, is it still open?
Title: Re: Epic Fail in the Webcomic WAR!
Post by: amuletts on March 09, 2010, 09:00:33 AM
Yes I would think you can still join.  You'd be a little later to the 'gathering' phase, however I was late last year and came pretty close to winning so don't let that discorage you.

It's really all about promoting your webcomic and having fun.  I certainly learnt a lot last year about how to bring new readers to my comic, so imo there are no losers.  It encourages you to get out there in the community, and it's a great community!

Here is where you can sign up: http://webcomicplanet.com/news/event/webcomic-planet-war-2010-signup/
Here are the rules as they stand so far: http://webcomicplanet.com/news/event/war-2010-evil-genius-rules/
WAR FORUM: (For posting about your eeeeevil deeds and eaning XP) http://webcomicplanet.com/forum/war-2010/

So join the fray, the more the merrier!

Ahem... *switches to evil voice* I shall enjoy crushing you. Mwaha hahaha haha!