Here is a link to the comic-
http://www.drunkduck.com/Harkovast (http://www.drunkduck.com/Harkovast)
Let the advertising BEGIN!
This is more appropriate in the "Pimp my comic" section than the advertising section. That's for getting your banner added to the WCC rotation.
I think that's what he was going for, though, BK. Correct me if I'm wrong - I just want to make sure we're in the right section ^.^
Edit: Also, probably because of the issues the Drunk Duck server is having, your image is broken, Hark. If you need an alternate host for the time being, just email me the image, and I'll host it on my site.
Yeah, I was going for an advertising image, but I appear to have failed spectacularly!
Still, I do need to do plenty of pimping as well....
yeah I don't know what to tell you with that image man. If we can't see it we can't very well add it to the ad rotation can we?
I've fixed it - since Drunk Duck has been having problems with the server, images hosted there weren't showing up.
We're good to go for this one, though. Yay!
I'll remind Chadm1n about this. Hopefully he will have time in the next couple of days to get you into the rotation.
My apologies for the delayed response - the Harkovast ad is now in the rotation.