Webcomics Community

Site Maintenance => Site Announcements => Topic started by: Rob on April 01, 2010, 09:46:25 AM

Title: Rob and Chadm1n are off line
Post by: Rob on April 01, 2010, 09:46:25 AM
Hey everyone. We recently changed our house TV from Comcast to a satellite service. We wanted to keep the internet with Comcast though so we only cancelled the TV service.

Naturally Comcast shut everything off.

So neither one of us have an internet right now.

I've posted my cell phone number in the staff board (if you aren't staff you can't see it... it's where we talk about how cool you all are behind your back). So if there are any site related emergencies please contact Amanda or Dr.BlkKnight and they will either take care of it themselves or get ahold of me and Chadm1n.

But hopefully nothing earthshattering will happen here in the next couple days. We should both be back on line by the weekend with any luck.

But then with Comcast you never really do know exactly what will happen (for example... I'm typing this at the public library).

I know we had a spammer here I've deleted the account and all the spammer's World of Warcraft related posts. As we get more popular we will get more spammers. It's just something we will have to be diligent about. If anyone else who;s fairly active want's mod powers so you can ban these suckers as they appear send me a PM and we'll talk next week.

Talk to you all (hopefully) soon.
Title: Re: Rob and Chadm1n are off line
Post by: Rob on April 03, 2010, 12:35:01 AM
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back. Only about 48 hours off line.

It's amazing the impact on your life not having internet makes. I was so busy the last couple days that I shouldn't really have missed it but I did. Constantly.

It really has wormed it's way into my life like eating and sleeping.

Crazy.  :-\
Title: Re: Rob and Chadm1n are off line
Post by: wendyw on April 03, 2010, 04:15:50 AM
Hooray for your return!
