Webcomics Community

Main Content => General Discussion => Topic started by: Yamino on April 08, 2010, 03:08:42 AM

Title: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on April 08, 2010, 03:08:42 AM
EDIT: I finally posted the Webcomic Charity site. (http://yamiloo.com/charity/)  Check it out for the most up-to-date info on the project.

Hey guys! Long time no see.  I'd like to say "I'm BACK!" but I'm currently visiting relatives in Italy, with little access to internet.  I will, however, be more active once I return home to Belgium. =)

Anyway, I'm trying to recruit for a webcomic charity project I've been trying to plan ever since the Earthquake in Haiti. I researched and found some similar projects to what I had in mind, which several webcomic artists banding together to raise money for charity.

The Comic Creator's Alliance is a good example: http://comicalliance.weebly.com/

Once I have the details all sorted out, I'll make a site for it. My basic idea: Get a bunch of webcomic artists to make an exclusive, limited-edition postcard featuring their characters. Print 15-30 cards, then have people bid on them. Winners get not only the exclusive postcard, but a handwritten message from a main character of the comic! I did this for my Sister Claire xmas food contest and it worked wonderfully:


Emy of TryingHuman (http://www.tryinghuman.com), Rosalarian of Yu+Me (http://yume-comic.com)/LPFOS, (http://lesbo-vision.com) and JGray of Mysteries of the Arcana (http://mysteriesofthearcana.com) have already agreed to participate.  Don'tcha wanna be part of the fun? =D

Please let me know if you're interested, and I'll add you to the contributor's list. I'll be making a website hub of info too, once I get home.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gar on April 08, 2010, 03:18:32 AM
Sounds good to me.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Nuke on April 08, 2010, 07:54:14 AM
Totally approve of this. I'd be up for it too!
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: wendyw on April 08, 2010, 08:15:40 AM
I would love to get involved in a project like this, but I don't think I have enough reraders to shift 15-30 postcards.

Good luck with it though. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hopefully when it comes time to bid there'll be some money in my bank account.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Rob on April 08, 2010, 08:27:05 AM
I'm not even relaunching my comic for another month or so but this really is a great idea. If I was in a position to participate I'd be on it like a wolf on a roast beef.  ;D
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gibson on April 08, 2010, 11:34:58 AM
I'd be up for it. My readership is notoriously lethargic when it comes to contests and stuff, but I'm still up for it.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: ran on April 08, 2010, 12:10:59 PM
I'd also be up for it. Comic hasn't launched yet, though, so I don't know how useful I'd be in promoting something like this.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: NoahRodenbeek on April 08, 2010, 12:15:27 PM
Sign me up!
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Miluette on April 08, 2010, 10:41:26 PM
Oh man. I want to. I dunno if I could pull through with my comics' readerships, or if I'd be able to participate in time, but oooh, I want to. I've wanted to contribute more to post-Haiti efforts.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: JR on April 08, 2010, 11:20:44 PM
My comic is getting ready to re-launch after a lengthy hiatus, so I'm not sure how many readers that I'll have.  I'll do it anyway even if I have coerce my friends into bidding.  Count me in.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: wendyw on April 09, 2010, 06:51:57 AM
Can I suggest that you post something about it over at the Dogpile (http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=9) forum over at The Webcomic List? I'm pretty sure some of the regulars over there, who aren't regulars over here, would love to get involved in this sort of thing.

Actually, I could probably get oppy to give it some front page space on the main site once you have a site ready to link to.

Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on April 09, 2010, 06:56:51 PM
To everyone who replied: I added your names to the list. Can you give me some websites to link to when the main site for this charity goes up? Preferably to your webcomic, and/or portfolio/gallery site.

To those who said they don't have a comic yet/are coming back from hiatus- this could be a good promotion for you.Think about your postcard design as an ad showcasing something very eye catching and interesting to do with your story- or sort of a group picture.  I'm going to make my Sister Claire postcard be related to charity somehow, since the theme obviously fits well with the whole nun thing. =)

Another possibility if you don't have a webcomic (yet) is to just make some artwork for this event with some original characters, and try to make the postcard as eyecatching as possible.  But then I dunno who you'd write the postcard as- I guess yourself? XD

Quote from: wendyw on April 09, 2010, 06:51:57 AM
Can I suggest that you post something about it over at the Dogpile (http://www.thewebcomiclist.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=9) forum over at The Webcomic List? I'm pretty sure some of the regulars over there, who aren't regulars over here, would love to get involved in this sort of thing.

Great idea! I'll post it there when I get home day after tomorrow. =)

Quote from: wendyw on April 09, 2010, 06:51:57 AMActually, I could probably get oppy to give it some front page space on the main site once you have a site ready to link to.
I'd be ever so grateful if you could.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: wendyw on April 10, 2010, 07:24:32 PM
Quote from: Yamino on April 09, 2010, 06:56:51 PM
Quote from: wendyw on April 09, 2010, 06:51:57 AMActually, I could probably get oppy to give it some front page space on the main site once you have a site ready to link to.
I'd be ever so grateful if you could.

No problem. I've just spoken to oppy and he's up for putting up an article whenever you're ready.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: ran on April 13, 2010, 05:07:59 PM
Click my signature for my website. What's the rough due date on this?
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gibson on April 13, 2010, 11:32:39 PM
Mine is http://picturesofyou.smackjeeves.com
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on April 27, 2010, 07:59:10 PM
Gah! Sorry for the late response.  But I finally posted the official Webcomic Charity page! (http://yamiloo.com/charity/)

Be sure to apply, and tell all your other webcomic friends. =)

As for a due date for the postcards, I haven't set one yet, since I'm not even sure how I'm going to handle the bidding or what the charity will be.  feel free to offer suggestions.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: operationremie on April 27, 2010, 11:06:10 PM
looks awesome. wish i could participate! lack of a site and nothing to show doesn't help haha good luck with it all tho!
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Rob on April 28, 2010, 12:11:37 AM

you should let Gary Tyrell of Fleen know about this:


And if you want to write an article about what this is all about with links to the site you've set up and charity it will be benefiting I'd be happy to run it as a front page article.

Up to you. Either way very nice of you to do all this. My new artist is still scrambling to catch up with all the stuff I've sent him already but if he seems like he has any extra time I'll definitely run this by him.

Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gibson on April 28, 2010, 03:55:43 AM
Uh, okay, so...I didn't make the cut to be an artist on this?
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: wendyw on April 28, 2010, 04:21:16 AM
If you still want a front page article on the Webcomic List send me a PM with what you want it to say and I'll get oppy to put it up.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on April 28, 2010, 05:27:16 AM
Don't get paranoid, Gibson- I haven't gotten to adding the folks who replied to this thread yet.  ;) (Except for those who already applied through the website/IM/etc.)

I'll be doing that this morning.  Also, I'll send you that PM soon, wendy! <3

Also, good idea with contacting Fleen, Rob! I'll do that today. =)
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gibson on April 28, 2010, 11:05:26 AM
Might not have been the worst idea to let us know that.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on April 28, 2010, 06:33:53 PM
There's no need to be rude. I'm doing quite a bit of work for this, and paying money out of my own pocket for it too. Your patience would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gibson on April 28, 2010, 06:50:14 PM
It's not about patience, it's about information. I understand you're doing a lot of work on it, but there are other people involved and they're going to be doing work for it too and the more information you provide them, the less confusion like this there's going to be. A simple sentence in that post letting everyone reading it know why their names aren't up there yet isn't much.

And I wasn't being rude, I was being curt.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on April 28, 2010, 06:59:35 PM
Sorry, the English teacher in me has to object- By definition "curt" is "rudely brief or abrupt." But that aside, I'm sorry you misunderstood what I said, didn't mean to imply that by replying to this your name would instantaneously be added.  I originally made this thread just to let people know I was starting this project, and since then I've taken all the applications through the site itself. It makes it a lot easier for me to have everyone's emails in one folder, that way I can make a mailing list to send out messages reminding people of when the postcards are due, send them the paypal payments, etc.

To everyone:  I have recently posted an update with more details on what the artists will need to do. Please review it:

If you still wish to participate, it would be helpful to me if you applied through the form on the site:

EDIT: I forgot to mention, we are also currently voting on which charity to donate to. Please cast your vote! =)

Thanks in advance. =)
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gar on April 29, 2010, 04:42:34 AM
Have you notified The Comics Journal or The Daily Cartoonist about this? Probably a couple of bigger-name cartoonists on there who'd be happy to do some limited-run postcards for the sake of charity if they knew it was going on.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on April 29, 2010, 06:17:19 AM
Thanks for the suggestion! I just replied to them. =)
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: D-Ballz on April 29, 2010, 06:17:37 PM
I've already signed up for this, (Jason and Jenny on the artists page) but I would just like to say, this really, really looks like an awesome idea.

Although my comic has not yet started, I don't see any reason to not sign up and show some support, at the very least.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Gar on May 31, 2010, 07:00:42 AM
Any further word on dates etc. for this? Are the auctions going to be done through a central webcomics charity site with payments going straight into the charity account or will we need to set up our own auctions?
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on May 31, 2010, 08:16:16 AM
I've been contacting a couple charities, but like Kiva, all of them said they can't accept the donations AND handle the shipping/printing (which would have made things easier for everyone) so it looks like we're completely on our own.

Fortunately, I've formed a team with JGray (MOTA) and OnyxSparrow (WAGON) where JGray will oversee the financial stuff, and (hopefully, still waiting for confirmation on this) Onyxsparrow and his printer who does the Webcomic Trading Cards can handle the printing/mailing.  I'll keep doing the organizing as I have been.

I'm thinking of ending submissions tomorrow, we already have quite a long list and people have had a very long time to submit.  I've even gotten some finished cards already. =)
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: JGray on May 31, 2010, 10:02:34 AM
Of course I'll pitch in and handle the financials. The three of us need to have a conference.
Title: Re: Webcomic Charity project
Post by: Yamino on May 31, 2010, 10:04:17 AM
Yep, I'm gonna try to set that up this week, if we can all make it.  Onyx doesn't seem to be online when I am most of the time. Which is odd, considering I've become nocturnal to be online for my American friends. XD