TakaComics recently put his comic on hiatus and also informed the staff that he was going to be unable to participate in the running of the site due to being busy with other things.
CorvusErebus has delayed a couple of "On Site Reviews" in the last few weeks because he was busy with a new job and other projects. He also let the staff know that after he completed the two remaining sites that had signed up for review he would be turning in his admin hat and leaving the site as well due to the aforementioned reasons.
This morning I noticed (as I'm sure many of you have) that CorvusErebus did not post one of the two remaining "On Site" reviews (for the second week in a row and without warning the members or staff). Additionally, TakaComics has set his account for deletion.
So I figured it was time to say goodbye. Obviously Corvus is too busy with his new job and other projects to finish up the site reviews. If he comes back with them and wants them posted I'll be happy to put them up but I think the fairest thing for everyone is to say our goodbye's now and let it go.
When this site was founded it was created on three cornerstones. Myself, TakaComics and CorvusErebus. Most of the images here on the site, the header, the comic image that appears next to each board on the main forum page that tells us if the board has new content or not as well as many of the published articles that were submitted over the last four months were contributed by these two.
As I've mentioned before, I have Google alerts set up to look for things related to this site as well as my own comics. It helps me spread the word and keep track of what folks are saying about the site. A couple days ago I got this in my in box:
QuoteI suggest you ask around at Webcomics Community forums, which I believe is the leading source of free advice on webcomics since Webcomics Dot Com went behind a pay wall. (http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=54594)
The quote is a link as well. It goes to a video game company forum for a company called Obsidian. (http://www.obsidian.net/) Someone on their forums was asking about starting a webcomic and this was the first reply.
Now I'm not sure who the person is that said that. I don't recognize the handle so I don't know if it was a member or a lurker or someone who is on the periphery of the webcomics community or what. All I know is that it made my day. Because being the best free source for webcomics advice is all I've ever wanted for this place.
And there's no question that we wouldn't be where we are without TakaComics and CorvusErebus.
We didn't always see eye to eye. But I'm really glad you guys helped make this place what it is today. You have my thanks and I wish you well on whatever it is you are going off to do. And if you ever want to come home there will always be a light on for you.
Good luck guys. You will be missed. ;)
Wow...a shame about them leaving, but congratulations on that post recommendation! Is anyone going to take over the role of reviewing websites? Also, wouldn't Chadm1n be, like, a fourth cornerstone?
Edit: Haha, this is my 100th post, and I just became a full member! Neat!
Quote from: Alectric on April 12, 2010, 07:53:02 PMAlso, wouldn't Chadm1n be, like, a fourth cornerstone?
Totally. But hopefully by now he's used to me taking advantage of him. Because yeah.. I pretty much just did it again.
As for a replacement. I'm working on it. I'll announce anything I know as soon as I know it. ;)
To solve a bit of a mystery, I am the guy from the Obsidian forums who was asking about webcomics. A fellow poster on that board recommended this site and I am glad that they did. Neither of us are affiliated with the developer Obsidian, we are just regulars on that forum due to interest in their games.
The fact that I don't know who recommended the site to you actually makes it cooler. ;)
Aww. I guess I ruined that. It was me.
Anyway, good luck to TakaComics and CorvusErebus on their future endeavors. I enjoyed reading their articles.
I've actually recommended this website to quite some people through messenger services as well, but none of them are very big on webcomics so I don't know if it stuck.
I appreciate the free press and fine ambassadorship.
Quote from: Alectric on April 12, 2010, 07:53:02 PM
Also, wouldn't Chadm1n be, like, a fourth cornerstone?
Ha! I am no stone... I am a
PILLAR! Muahahahaha!!! Seriously, though, thanks for the honorable mention. I am happily lurking in the background and making sure this place remains available.... reworking Remedial Comics (I hate Photoshop)... considering my own webcomic (God help you all if/when that happens)... and wishfully hoping that my crazy technical endeavours will somehow yield a cashflow that will allow me to build my airplane... :)