\(^▽^*) Hey kids,
Decided to grace your forum with my presence, 'cause I heard you need more women : 3
Anyways, I'm mishi. You probably have ran into me from drunkduck, comic dish, or deviantart. i'm on staff of several sites (http://mishipaper.ambrosialsky.net/index.php), that are all pretty nerdy and graphics related. I have my own webcomic (http://www.drunkduck.com/Legend_of_Ryu_hime/index.php), i'm just pretty lazy to update. I guess you could say I'm a digital artist, you can see most of good work here -> http://mishi-unloved.deviantart.com/ (http://mishi-unloved.deviantart.com/) When i'm not drawing, i'm usually in search of lulz. I'm a bit of a trouble maker ; ) but I promise to be good while i'm here. inb4weaboo.
Welcome Welcome. All the ladies in the house say....
Well actually the ladies can say whatever they like. I prefer not to speak for them. ;D
Thanx ;)
Welcome to the board. It's nice here, there are buttons.
[EDIT: Wait...did someone just say "weeaboo"?
Buttons and yarn.
Welcome Miss Mishi, nice to have you here.
Hello there, fellow Ducker =D Nice to have you around. I, too, am a lady. We should start our own club with a secret handshake and silly hats and Ice Cream Thursdays.
Actually, there are a lot of ladies here. O.o But welcome, anyhow!
@gar oh shi-! Looks like I let the cat outta the bag. ; )
@ran/amanda fu fu fu fu fu... so this is where all the girls went! ah ha!! rob must have been hiding them all a long...! :p