Hey all. I'm looking for someone with some serious graphic design chops to help me finish a site design. This is for some buttons mostly and a box or two. Just the artwork. No coding required.
I've already got a complete mockup of the site and a high quality PSD of the main comic module. I just need to fill in some details.
I got a quote from a professional Graphic artist and my wallet is still hiding under the bed... occasionally whimpering like a wounded dog.
So if you have the chops and are interested PM me or send me an e-mail at
[email protected] and we can chat over IM about the details and whatnot. Then you can give me a price quote and if I can afford it we'll go from there.
If it works out well I'm going to need some work done in recreating the entire site layout with slight stylistic changes for other comics. By the time the site redesign is complete Remedial Comics is going to be host 4-6 webcomics... each with their own flavor of the same site layout.
I thought I would post this here before I expand my search. I don't know everyone here's skill set and I'd rather deal with someone I know if possible. ;)
Oh, that's why. Haha ;D
Hi Rob,
I would like to assist! :)
I am not a fully fledged certified professional but I do know some stuff with Photoshop...
Please tell me what you need and I will come up with some drafts for you.
Are you supplying the drawings, I mean are these buttons with pictures...
(please notice...no mention of money ;D)
Gah.... I forgot to take this down.
I think I'm all set for now bu thank you very much for offering. If things don't work out I'll definitely keep your kind offer in mind. ;D
No problem Rob.
Sorry,I didn't notice it was old news. :-\
I am bound to reply to something that was discussed like last year...without noticing...