Comics about parenting in the geekly style and rantings of a mad man hope you enjoy.
I would seriously like some constructive feed back, please....
First, decent art. A little stiff but consistent and solid.
Your site could use some work. It is fairly bland. You don't have any sort of banner up top announcing the name of your comic. You're using basic, wordpress default. It isn't all that attractive.
Your jokes sometimes feel half done, as if they're part two of a joke but you didn't illustrate part one. You've got a lot of potential there but there's work to be done.
Most importantly, you need to work on the writing basics. Punctuation and grammar. The period is often missing from the end of sentences and you make some mistakes such as using "there" when you mean "they're".
I think this could be a good comic with some work.
I don't have time this week to go over your site but I will endeavor to in the future. However this isn't a pimping of your site it's a request for feedback and we have a section for that so I'm going to shuffle this thread on over to there.
I hope it gets you many feedbacks. ;)
When you are ready to brag about and talk up your comic... then do a thread in the pimp my comic area. :D