Hi everyone,
I have been building a new webcomic site and a few people pointed me towards here for advice and know-how. So far I have found it very informative.
I am a Middle School History teacher and my comic revolves around my classroom experiences. It is a bit of a class project, I have students getting involved and so far it has been extremely fun.
I built my site using Comicpress and so far I'm fairly happy with how it turned out. Here it is for a gander:
Thanks for creating this great community resource!
Welcome. I can imagine it's tough being a middle school teacher. That's right around the time I started getting quite uppity. I think it's great you're including the kids in this. In a few years maybe they will be here learning how to get their own comic on line.
If you are interested in History based webcomics I can't recommend "Hark, a Vagrant" (http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php) enough. As a non-history buff many of them go zooming right over my head but I'm sure someone with your background might have a finer appreciation for the subject matter.
This one in particular I found amusing. (http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=257)
Wow, that's really cool that you get your students involved =D You're probably one of the fun teachers I liked so much in school (and learned the most from as well)!
Petty nifty. Welcome aboard, Teach. I guess I have to watch my P's and Q's now.
Welcome aboard!
Hey Hurlshot. Glad you joined.
(To avoid any confusion, I'm TrueNeutral from the Obsidian Boards, one of the guys who pointed you here.)
Well that answers that question.