Hello all,
My name is Raz my pen name is GaNda, I am the creator/Writer of the The adventures of Kunow Ma-re.
Published on my new website that took me roughly an year to get online, I am not internet language savvy and I am actually quite old :)
but with some practice I managed to get my webcomics up.
I was born in Africa and I still don't live in USA for some illogical reason but I guess no ones perfect...
I am here to learn and maybe get some feedback from the stuff I do,any suggestions are most welcome.
A lot of us don't live in the USA. A lot of us are old as well. You should put a link to your comic in your signature so we can check it out. Cheers.
Welcome welcome.
I don't have time to check your comic at this moment as I'm about heading out the door but here's a link to it for those with more time than me.
Once again welcome. ;D
Welcome to the group Ganda.
I took a quick look at the site, and it's not badly done for a first time Wordpress site. The art style is not bad either, and could prove interesting, though I'm not sure what it's about. I don't have time right now to read through it, and I don't know how large your archives are because you don't seem to have any archives.
Could use some additional content added, like an archive link, and perhaps an info page. Your cast page is just picture thumbnails with no descriptions, can't even tell the name of the character until you click on the thumbnail. I'm not trying to be critical, you understand, I'm just mentioning it because you asked for advice. If you would like further input you're welcome to sign up for a review over HERE. (http://forum.webcomicscommunity.com/index.php/topic,485.msg3502.html)
Again, welcome to the community. I'm sure you'll like it around here.
Hello Everyone and thanks for the welcomes!
Added my web URL in the signature section now...
I don't mind any useful criticism that can help me up my webcomics, I am looking for further input so signing up for the review!
I looked around and there's a lot of information here, very nice site and looks like nice people as well.
welcome! pretty cool stuff you got going on.
Thanks operationremie.
Hi there. :)
Hello :)