Hi there, I dont know if I am writing in a proper board but I have got a problem with activation, link i receive in email is not working... http://forum.webcomicscommunity.com/?b58883b8424e66d0736a48a9bc4 (http://forum.webcomicscommunity.com/?b58883b8424e66d0736a48a9bc4),
I'm going to move this to the site issues board but for the most part if you didn't activate your account you wouldn't be able to post here.
So I think you are good to go. ;)
Once again, spambot.
Let's be nice to the spambot, maybe it has feelings too.
Hello, gentle automated friend, welcome to the Webcomics community.
Maybe the bot wants to make a comic...
Hello spambot! If you really do want to make a comic, you've come to the right place. People here give good advice!