How much does it cost to make a web comic website ::)?
Quote from: flyingmonkey98 on May 14, 2010, 03:10:01 PM
How much does it cost to make a web comic website ::)?
Quick answer: Anywhere from $0 to several thousand $.
Regardless of the cost, there is considerable work involved and a lot of details to be handled.
My opinion... there is no quick answer to that question. Sorry. :-\
The only quick answer would be n.
If you want a decent, quick and free site that requires no coding knowledge, you should check out Smack Jeeves ( There are a few other free sites out there, but Smack Jeeves really is the most user-friendly for the novice webcomicker.
If you want to buy hosting for your own site, to which you can install a content management system for free, then the price of the hosting usually indicates its quality. A good one, I'd say, is about $7 a month.
Quote from: Gibson on May 14, 2010, 05:52:39 PM
The only quick answer would be n.
This bit of math humor made me giggle.
(Where n>=0, no doubt)
n doesn't have to be a real number, it can be zero.
It can't be an imaginary number because those are bastards.
If it's making a profit is the cost a negative number, or is that tracked separately?
For the actual website, very little. I signed up with Bluehost and bought my domain and the hosting for 12 bucks I think? That covers me for the entire year up to a silly amount of traffic. If I want more I can upshift plans on the fly. I've had one outtage in 3 months, the second night I had the site up, and they had my stuff moved to a dedicated server in less than 9 hours. So I've been more than pleased with the service and the support. The user controls are easy to figure out, they make sense even to a non HTML geek like myself, and I think for someone who hasn't built a website since the first opened the doors on Geocities I did pretty damn good! You really can't go wrong with a Wordpress configuration IMO. It does everything I need it to do, it's simple, it's fun, and the more I learn the cooler I think the whole thing is. Some people choose the comicspress plugin, I chose Webcomic because it seemed to have an easier interface, smaller learning curve, and all around better features from what I could see. Someone who uses comicspress might chime in with their own ideas, but for me webcomic was the right choice. Anyway, to answer you completely, I've got about 12 bucks in my website if you don't count a couple hundred hours of personal time I put in getting it all just the way I wanted it. Compared to what I spent on my main site...I did really good on that. :)
Except for supplies for back when I drew on paper commonly (returning to it ASAP!), and time, I've had absolutely no expenses related to my comics or their sites. (Unless you count advertising, which for me is also highly optional at this point.)