No new article for Monday, May 17th, 2010. I'm just too sick to do much of anything. I hope you understand.
I'm going to go crawl back into bed, curl up in the fetal position and sweat whilst trying not to cough (oh tha pains!).
Talk to you guys when I'm feeling better or in the afterlife whichever comes first. :P
Don't diiiiiiiiiie
I'm feeling a little better but it has been almost 2 weeks of this without a ton of improvement. I may be headed back to the hospital tomorrow if things don't start a noticeable upswing. :-\
I would rather not die though. At least not this week.
Wow. Shit, man, I hope you're better soon. If you end up having to stay in the hospital, make sure Chad keeps us informed how you're doing so we don't all worry about you...which I would. I'm a worrier.
Good luck, Rob. Stay safe.
Thanks Beyla.
And don't worry about me Gib. The entire staff have my cell number too in case I ever disappear for too long.
It's been an interesting week though. 3 famous people have all dies of heart attacks this week, all younger than me. And the fact that I cannot seem to rid myself of this chest congestion and coughing on top of that has probably made me a little more paranoid than normal. I'm not used to being sick for this long. I'm doing ok but I'm probably going to make an appointment at the VA tomorrow morning and head in just to be safe. At the least perhaps they can adjust my meds to give me something a little more powerful to kick out this congestion.
Mmm, meds...
Just got back from the hospital... again. They feel the meds they gave me weren't strong enough to defeat the infection so they gave me something stronger. Along with the super antibiotics I've got drug infused cough medicine guaranteed to knock me into the netherverse and some sort of chemical pry bar for my lung passages.
I really hope this new starting lineup wins the game for me otherwise they want me back next Wednesday and at that point they're going to start calling the specialists in. :-\
Stronger meds! Hooray!
Specialists? BOO!
You should come back when you're all gooned on goofjuice and try to describe a dirty sanchez without using any foul words.
I'm glad that the issue is being addressed ^.^ It's terrible that it's so serious, but yay for a light at the end of the tunnel!