Lar deSouza was given a free copy of Manga Studio to review. He's showing some of the options in his Ustream show tonight (going on now) and next week he plans on doing a full on review.
Since all of his shows are recorded you can watch it at your leisure at his Ustream channel or you can tune in next week at 8 PM EST on Friday and participate in the chat room.
Now, that should be interesting.
I do have some program called Anime Studio... are they related?
The newest version (I think I heard it was version 4) of Manga Studio was just released or is just about to be released so I doubt it's the one you have but they could be from the same company. I don't know. :-\
I saw boxes for both Manga and Anime studio in Office Depot. recently. They look to be from the same company.
They are, indeed, both made by Smith Micro Software.