Happy Birthday man. I know. 30 is bad. I'm doing 40 next month. I'll let you know how it goes. :-\
I hope YOU had a good one though. ;)
Happy Birthday, Kid Galactus. Please don't eat our world.
30? Pfft! Kids today!
Happy birthday, even though you haven't been here in forever and might never see this.
Happy Birthday, Kid Galactus!
And Rob, turning 40 isn't too bad. The days leading up to turning 40 are terrible, though. :-)
Quote from: Largento on June 03, 2010, 09:27:10 AM
And Rob, turning 40 isn't too bad. The days leading up to turning 40 are terrible, though. :-)
I don't remember those days very well. I was too drunk to recall anything.
Haaaaaaappy birthday! *dance dance*
Hmmm, is no one gonna do it? Guess it's up to me then.
Special panda for youuuuu! :D
Quote from: Alectric on June 05, 2010, 03:37:57 AM
Hmmm, is no one gonna do it? Guess it's up to me then.
Special panda for youuuuu! :D
awww! We just got one of those at the Houston Zoo right before my wife and I moved. Cute as hell but I get the feeling there's an underlying level of 'gut you like a fish' is you give him an opening.
Quote from: Alectric on June 05, 2010, 03:37:57 AM
Hmmm, is no one gonna do it? Guess it's up to me then.
Special panda for youuuuu! :D
I seem to have overlooked this thread. :(
At least it led to a very special Panda. ^^
Happy panda-day, KG.
Darn, looks like the first panda I ever post for someone's birthday is going to waste. :(
No I talked to Wayne (KidGalactus) the other day and he's aware of the thread. It's just he works for Ka-Blam and it's Con season so they are insanely busy.
Hey guys!
Thanks a ton for the well wishes!
I'll try and stop by here more on the weekends.
Thanks again!