Normally, as in 9 days out of 10, I'm pretty rigid on myself. I have a plan, I stick to it, I get things done, I front load so as never to be behind, and I tend to want to get all the work out of the way asap so as to then goof off in great comfort. Today is feeling like that ever deadly 10th day. I can't get motivated to do much of anything.
-I have lettering to complete on five or six pages.
-I have at least 3 more scripts to type up because they've been written but not typed, which I find to be the most mundane part of the process.
-I have 5 or 6 movies on my hard drive begging me to watch them.
-I'm in the midst of a semi-interesting flame war with a guy on another board and that's always kinda funny in a sick sort of "I just riled up someone ill equipped mentally to deal with it" kind of way.
-I could totally be installing a new shopping cart system to facilitate PDF download sales as Rob so geniusly suggested I do in another thread.
-I've got email to respond to, and I've got a 3 page argumentative paper due tomorrow by midnight in my Informal Logic class.
Somehow, with all that I COULD be doing, I can't muster the giveadamn to any of it. The movies are pretty high on the list of maybes though.
Just thought I'd share. :)
Procrastination is one of my greatest foes and greatest allies. I've pulled some wonderful things off at the last minute due to procrastination. Especially in college which was honestly a frickin' procrastination telethon of seeing how far I could push it.
I had a class that; the entire course was basically one 25 page paper you turned in at the end of the semester. If you turned it in late you dropped a grade. If you turned it in later than 7 days late you failed the course. I wrote my paper on a pro position for giving China permanent Most Favored Nation Status (I started off the semester con but my research changed my mind to pro). I turned in the paper 8 days late. I wrote it on one long 30 or so hour marathon session. I had done some research before hand so I pulled out my notes and just went to work. I took lots of breaks. At 4 am I drove the forty minutes to my university and put the paper into my professors in box before he got to work. Technically the deadline had been midnight the night before. But he assured us he would not be there at midnight and as long as it was in his box on Monday morning when he came in I was good. Got a B+ (yes that included the grade drop.... it would have been an A+).
I don't like having things hang over my head and I do often congratulate myself when I get ahead of things. But... and this is going to sound terrible.... I get bored easily. Procrastinating on a task that I would rather not do at all makes it a lot more interesting. I appreciate the motivation it applies.
So I feel ya man. No one can really help with that you know though. Only you can triage/prioritize that list to the point where you know what has to get done and what can get the ol' electric slide a little. ;)
Do your formal logic paper with movies on in the background, then write a well-structured (if derivative) script!
Then lettering and typing to give yourself some fairly simple tasks before bedtime
Quote from: Gar on June 07, 2010, 06:48:34 AM
Do your formal logic paper with movies on in the background, then write a well-structured (if derivative) script!
Then lettering and typing to give yourself some fairly simple tasks before bedtime
Well I have no choice today if I want to pass this class, so the paper jumps front and center. I am not thrilled. But, the good news is I'm pretty wordy and I can rattle on about pretty much anything for 3-6 pages so I'm probably golden. It's just a matter of sitting down and doing it. I think I need an assistant.
no, what you need is a lackey.
Quote from: Gar on June 07, 2010, 01:05:51 PM
no, what you need is a lackey.
That is definitely an acceptable solution! Where do they congregate? I'm thinking a net and a good knock on the head will serve till I get it home and can work out a more suitable containment/coercion scheme. Did they outlaw waterboarding yet?
*sigh* Well it wasn't my best work, but I got the paper done. I also squeezed in a movie, and answered most of the emails I had waiting on me. So it wasn't a total wash. Plus this week I've got a light load so I should be able to get ahead instead of just staying even. We'll see how that works out in reality. lol
-I have 5 or 6 movies on my hard drive begging me to watch them.
-I'm in the midst of a semi-interesting flame war with a guy on another board and that's always kinda funny in a sick sort of "I just riled up someone ill equipped mentally to deal with it" kind of way.
These two are procrastination.
Procrastination is my greatest enemy, whereas procrastination + deadline results in my finest moments.
Special thanks to Douglas Adams for pointing out the wonderful whooshing noise deadlines make as they go by
I have his quote on deadlines written on the outside of my bedroom door with permanent black marker.
a) I have 103 pages of test cases to review for a stamp duty assessment and document management system.
b) It's Wednesday
c) I've gone for 8 days without Caffeine
which inevitably leads us to...
d) This forum is very shiny.
Quote from: klingers on June 08, 2010, 07:45:36 PM
a) I have 103 pages of test cases to review for a stamp duty assessment and document management system.
b) It's Wednesday
c) I've gone for 8 days without Caffeine
which inevitably leads us to...
d) This forum is very shiny.
It's not Wednesday where I live. You should visit that way you could go back in time by a day and get all your work done!