Hey guys, Remedy is back and Remedial Comics has been updated with a new home page. There's still a lot of work to do so I'm not quite ready to offer my throat to the wolf (the wolf being Dragon and his full on monty of a critique) but I will eventually.
For now I'd love to know what you guys think. I'm sure many of you remember what the old site looked like. If you forgot you can go to my other comic; Badly Written, Badly Drawn (http://bwbd.remedialcomics.com/) and be reminded (we haven't finished the new inter phase for BWBD yet). They looked the same except Remedy's page was blue and gold instead of the Green and Red of BWBD.
We still have to finish the About Us area as well as several other pages. Eventually to get to Remedy it won't simply be "Remedial Comics dot com" anymore it will be "Remedy/Remedial Comics Dot Com" because we're going to create a splash page for "Remedial Comics" that will lead to all of our comics. We have two so far. I hope to launch our third by the end of this month and I believe a fourth may be coming shortly thereafter. So the splash page is coming soon. But all the comics will have relatively short URL's of their own that redirect. So no biggie.
But I am so much happier with Remedy's front page that I'm really glad the old one is gone. I'm going to be working on the BWBD one hard right now because I don't even want to be reminded of the old setup. LOL.
Take a peek if you have a minute and let me know what you think.
Thanks. ;)
EDIT: Whoops... apparently I was not the only one that hated the old interphase. Chadm1n yanked the old interphase for BWBD and used the Remedy one as a placeholder until I can finish the new one. So if you saw the old setup you will simply have to use your memory and if you didn't see the old setup then... well count yourself lucky and go read my back catalog now that my site is no longer hideous. ;D
Looks good. Blends a lot better.
It kind of occurs to me that calling yourself "Remedial Comics" might not be the most inviting...
Unless you're going for some kind of self-deprecating humor, I guess. :-\
Our first comic is called Remedy Alectric. Remedy? Remedy Comics. Remedial. Remedial Comics?
(From Dictionary Dot Com)
re·me·di·al {ri-mee-dee-uhl}
affording remedy; tending to remedy something.
intended to correct or improve one's skill in a specified field: remedial math.
Remedial Comics corrects boredom and improves comic appreciation through a judicious application of Remedy. I'm not sure why you have a negative connotation for the word Remedial but for me it has always meant to Remedy something. To fix something. ;)
EDIT: And thanks Gib, we worked hard on it.Still are working hard on it.
Yes I know where you got the name from. But I've only ever heard "remedial" used like in your example, "remedial math." The context of which is that someone was having trouble with math and needed extra help to catch up. Which would imply that the comics you host need extra help to catch up, to be on par with other webcomics. Which seems like a negative connotation to me. I understand that it doesn't have to be negative, but I was just letting you know that it could be interpreted that way.
It's like in the fifth Harry Potter book (sorry, it's the best example I could think of), where Snape is giving Harry Occlumency lessons, but it has to be a secret, and Snape doesn't like Harry very much, so he uses the cover that it's "Remedial Potions" to humiliate him, because it emphasizes how Harry is supposedly bad at potions and needs the extra help just to keep up with his peers. Similarly, whenever I see "remedial something," it would seem to have the same negative connotations.
I guess your intention is that the comics themselves are actually the "extra help" for people who need help with boredom and appreciating comics, which works I guess, but it wouldn't have been my interpretation from just hearing the name. And even then, it's still implying that the readers need extra help to appreciate comics and correct their boredom, as opposed to people who read "regular" webcomics that don't need this "extra help".
All in all it's not that important, but you can't deny that can be mildly offputting to some when interpreted a certain way.
Uh... I suppose?
Alectric, does the name Slave Labor Graphics make you think the company employs slave labour? Or that Dark Horse, one of the biggest companies in the industry, is an unknown player? Or that the staff at Drunk Duck has a supply of gin and mallards?
lol drunk duck.
Anyway, I liked the changes. I didn't get to see a lot of the previous version because I only showed up round these parts, but what I did see against what you showed today is a big change and I think for the better.
And for the record, I like the studio name. Too many people get ate up on being an "A" named company and they don't hold true to what makes them happy. The name makes sense and it's obviously something that means something to you. I say roll with it all the way.
This makes me wonder. Does Cary actually have a red hand? And if so? Is he Hellboy?
I always took 'Remedial Comics' to be a self-deprecating label, Gibson's already pointed out several well-known studios which do something similar.
Quote from: Gar on June 08, 2010, 03:50:34 AM
I always took 'Remedial Comics' to be a self-deprecating label, Gibson's already pointed out several well-known studios which do something similar.
A combination of that and it tying in so well with our first comic name. Yep.
Also.. Top Cow! :D
Hi Alectric,
A note from the (far) less vocal side of Remedial Comics... I completely understand the perception you describe. The potentially negative connotation could be a PR headache for an operation trying to succeed in a politically correct world measured by focus groups and other forms of qualitative marketing research. That fact was most definitely not lost on us.
For me (I do not speak for Rob), Remedial Comics is a double entendre that thrusts a denotative jab at connotative norms. Put simply, the name serves to remind me that while I am serious about what I do, I don't take myself too seriously. :)
The new art looks good, Rob!
Quote from: Rob on June 07, 2010, 11:31:36 PM
This makes me wonder. Does Cary actually have a red hand? And if so? Is he Hellboy?
HA! Not so much, but it would be cool having a girlfriend that could set stuff on fire with her mind. I've always had a thing for Drew Barrymoore....
Ahem. Anyway, I got the name from my grandmother actually. After my parents divorced I lived with my grandparents for several years and she used to always tell people how she'd caught me red handed doing this or that. I was always into something! So from a precocious childhood comes the name of my studio. It kinda worked out funny because I was goofing around with a brand new scanner and scanned my hand as more or less a goof and just liked the way it looked. After I played around with it in Photoshop for a bit the idea for the name struck me...and that was a wrap.
QuoteRemedial Comics corrects boredom and improves comic appreciation through a judicious application of Remedy. I'm not sure why you have a negative connotation for the word Remedial but for me it has always meant to Remedy something. To fix something.
QuoteQuoteI always took 'Remedial Comics' to be a self-deprecating label, Gibson's already pointed out several well-known studios which do something similar.
A combination of that and it tying in so well with our first comic name. Yep.