My name is Aksika.. so far the only place i have ever posted my webcomic Harvest is on dA (deviantart), and I am trying to branch into other sites
I posted a link to my dA gallery with my comic pages in it in the art section here, I am a simple amateur cartoonist trying to tell a good story, get a few readers and most of all learn so I may one day be real and professional and all that. I am very humble, I kno i have lots of work to do and many many things i need to improve on, I am practicing all the time and just out to tell a good story
Hi Aksika, welcome to the board.
If you intend to keep up your comic for a while you should probably move it to a dedicated site. Here at Webcomics Community we're kind of unofficial sponsors of Smackjeeves, who do free hosting for webcomics and are better than DrunkDuck.
DeviantArt actually has some very good comics hidden in among the dreck which is why we have our group there:
But most of the action is here. DA is a pretty insulated community so if you're afraid of the big bad tubes it's not a bad place to get your feet wet. Lot's of amazing artists there.
That said, You aren't really going to get a significant amount of traffic from a community like that.
Welcome and I hope you find what you are looking for here.
Awesome, I hope we can give you support and high fives and such to help you get the comic really rolling! I do agree that dA probably isn't the best place for comic posting on account of it not having a terribly good archive system. A free comic host like SmackJeeves (or DrunkDuck, in a pinch) is probably just the thing you need to start testing the waters of webcomicdom.
Hey New Fish!
Yeh, absolutely if you're trying to squeeze into webcomics, Smack Jeeves is the best place to start. The tutorials are great, but you barely need them because their interface and user-friendliness is so good. Lots of ready-made website templates, most of which lack the ugly banners that every other host has, and a pretty intuitive layout. The administrators and tech help there are really good too and genuinely want to help.
Check it out here: (
Hey there, welcome to the group!
Yes yes, SmackJeeves is wonderful! Fantastic! Incredible! I say that because, well, you're already there putting up comics. ;)
( even though they are kinda like competition... )
...we should be getting money for this.
Quote from: Gar on June 10, 2010, 05:10:02 PM
...we should be getting money for this.
You haven't gotten your check yet?