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Main Content => Upcoming Events => Convention Attendance => Topic started by: Rob on June 11, 2010, 03:42:18 PM

Title: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 11, 2010, 03:42:18 PM
If anyone is interested in exhibiting at NYCC (http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/) in the webcomics pavilion I need to hear from you now. You should indicate whether or not you want a table to yourself or whether you would be inclined to join up with others.

If you answer is "depends on how much it costs" then I can tell you it will run between $250-500 dollars depending on a lot of things I'm trying to work out right now. The table space at those prices will be at least half a six foot table but more than that I can't figure right now. Depends on how many people respond and what they want to do.

The con is October 8th, 9th and 10th and they are expecting.... I shit you not, eighty thousand people over the course of that three day period.

I'm sorry but there may not be a lot of time here. You may want to decide quickly.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Cary on June 11, 2010, 05:38:06 PM
I'd LOVE to get in on this if there's space available. I tried getting my own table in Artists Alley but I got turned down. So yeah, I'm very interested!
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 11, 2010, 06:32:29 PM
Uh... yes but could you answer the question asked please?  ;D
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Gibson on June 11, 2010, 07:04:15 PM
Rob, what's included for the $250-500 in terms of passes/dealer tags/admission? Is only one tag included and if so, how much would a second tag cost?
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 11, 2010, 07:15:44 PM
Gib it depends on what I end up doing. If I get a bunch of people who want to do a big "Webcomics Community" area then the price per comic goes down and our shared area gets larger and then the size of the area dictates the number of badges involved. If someone just wants their own table it's going to be like $500 (maybe... like I said a lot of this is in flux) and I'm pretty sure that includes 2 badges (I can say for certain it includes 2 chairs but I need to confirm on the badges... see why I didn't want to get too specific?).

I can tell you once you are "In" extra staff badges are $50. That much is pretty plain on the contract.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Cary on June 11, 2010, 08:53:37 PM
Sorry...you mean would I want a table of my own or want to share one? I'd do either. It would be more economical it seems like to share, so that'd be my preferred method, but push comes to shove I'll take my own table.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Gibson on June 11, 2010, 11:16:55 PM
I hate to say this, but I couldn't do any more than express interest without knowing at least some specifics. I certainly couldn't commit. The $250-500 price gap is pretty big and without knowing whether it'd be extra for my collaborator. I do wish I had a more definite answer, but without knowing specifics, I wouldn't know if it was something I could afford.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: JR on June 12, 2010, 04:39:15 AM
I'm not in a position right now to utilize this opportunity, but there might be a possibility that I attend this convention anyway(I helped out a friend during last year's con).  It'll be a great chance meet up with fellow creators.  Besides... New York is friggin' fun.  The bars stay open till 4am.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 12, 2010, 07:54:18 AM
I'm not asking for anyone to give me money or sign a contract right now. What I want to know is, given the amounts I've described, if you (that's the generic you not pointed at anyone specifically) would be interested in exhibiting at the convention.

Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: JGray on June 12, 2010, 08:45:01 AM
I'm afraid at that particular point in time I'll be hip deep in a whole new set of debt and likely working on fixing up whatever house I buy.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Swinsea on June 12, 2010, 09:33:59 AM
I'm kind of interested, but only if the space was shared with several people to bring the costs down. Let's say four creators share a table...

$600 (500 for table, 100 for two extra passes so everyone gets one) divided by four is $150 each to get a table, plus an extra $50 for anyone who wants more than one pass.

I want to go, but unfortunately I'm in the running for a new job that might make it impossible due to a work schedule conflict. I just thought sharing the little bit of math I did to figure out what kind of investment it would be. (Plus hotel, travel, food, etc.)
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 12, 2010, 09:51:00 AM
Four people at one six foot table seems entirely unrealistic. I mean... I haven't been to a lot of conventions but that's less than a foot and a half of table per comic. I've been confused who I'm talking to when a six footer is shared by two people. I can't imagine trying to figure out what's going on with 4.

I know $500 seems like a lot of money (considering the same space in the exhibition area is $900 and the sheer size of the convention I really don't think it is). But there are going to be 80k people there. If you have anything to sell there's always the chance you will earn it back.

For me the hotel thing is moot. I live 90 minutes or so from Manhattan so I can drive in. I'll be a little more tired than everyone else because of the 3-4 hours of driving a day but I'll get to sleep in my own bed.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: ScottLincoln on June 12, 2010, 10:21:59 AM
October... that might be do-able... I'll have to hash things out and see if I'm free and able to come up with the cash, but I am interested.  ;)
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: JadedGuy on June 12, 2010, 10:43:48 AM
i want to =O
though i might not be  good enough
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Gibson on June 12, 2010, 01:10:55 PM
I really want to be a yes for this, because I was at C2E2 and saw how well their webcomic pavilion worked, and it'd be a lot of fun, I'm sure. Talking with my collaborator/wife, though, we realized the money is a big issue, the amount for the table far less so than transportation and (gulp!) accommodation. Even if we were splitting space, for us both it would run into $1000 territory, which is just more than we have.

I'm still going to try to figure out a way to say yes, but you should count me as a no. Sorry Rob.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Lego M on June 12, 2010, 01:37:20 PM
Ah man, I would love to go but it's completely unrealistic for me at this point in time. I simply don't have the funds, nor do I feel that I have enough merchandise to really make it worthwhile.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: ScottLincoln on June 17, 2010, 07:04:45 PM
I am upgrading my previous response to "definitely interested". I'll make time and find the money. As for table space, I won't require a whole table since I'll be in promotion mode with possibly a few trinkets (if I can think of any). I would like to bring an accomplice, so I'm not sure how that would affect the table space (also would like to know about the "what's included" thing too for that reason). I've only attended a few of these Cons, as an assistant, so I'm still figuring all of this out a bit. I live in Connecticut, so I'll be taking the train in most likely. Any advice anyone has on this subject would certainly be appreciated.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 18, 2010, 01:38:34 AM
Scott I'm in Connecticut and if you want to chip in a bit for gas there's no reason you can't ride with me. Trust me when I tell you, Metro North is WAY more expensive than the gas money to drive into the city. Especially if there is more than one of you. Drop me a PM and let me know what town you are in and I'll try and work it out.

OK. Here's the deal folks. I just got a bunch of answers back from my contact at NYCC and here is THE DEAL.

A 6 ft table DOES include 2 passes to the con. No extra charge. It also includes the 6 ft table and two chairs.

The cost for this is $500.

There is also another option. There is a 10ft by 10ft area that comes with 5 passes to the con. But there's a catch. No furniture is part of the cost.

The cost for one 10ftX10ft booth is $1,300 dollars. Split five ways that's $260 per. Now, Remedial Comics is going to need a full table. And if three others want to join up with us I'll eat the extra $20 (it would cost me $500 for a single table, two fifths of the 10by10 area comes to $520) as long as nobody gives me any guff about representing Webcomics Community there as well as themselves (I'll hang a banner or something and make some buttons up).

My contact suggested we get tables and chairs from somewhere else and truck them in. Renting from the Javitz Center is supposedly VERY expensive. I've contacted my local Taylor Rental and they have what we need. Tables are $8.50 a piece for the whole con (picked up on the Thursday before and returned on Monday). Chairs are $1.25, once again, for the whole con. We would have to figure out how we are going to split up the area.

The only problem I see here is if the booth is like, walled in with only one face towards the con goers. And I think that might be the case. This would only give us a little actual crowd facing space with a lot of space behind us. So this is probably not ideal.

What I recommend is if we can enough people involved we could do something pretty cool with a 10 by 20 foot space. But I don't think a 10X10 is going to do us any good.

Ultimately though, I think if there are only a couple people involved it might be best to just get your own 6ft table.

I need to make a decision fairly soon so talk to me people. If you want a 6fter of your own it's $500 plus whatever it costs for you to be there (hotel, flight, whatever). If you want to split a 6fter with someone it seems Cary, Scott, Gibson and Swinsea are all somewhat interested. With Jaded Guy and his crisis of confidence as a kinda sorta maybe (LOL, just messing with you man). So maybe you guys can talk it over and figure out if you want to split a table or do something else.

Let me know. But don't take long.  ;)
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 18, 2010, 09:34:26 AM
I've got loads of comic related "stuff" to do today so I'll be slaving away over a hot keyboard for much of the day today. If you have any further questions or just want to discuss the NYCC arrangements you will most likely be able to get me on my Instant Messengers (check my profile to the left, they are all there) for most of the day. I'll also be checking back here periodically.

I do need to run out this afternoon to pick up a T-Shirt order from Brunetto T's but I'll only be gone about an hour or so. 


Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Gibson on June 18, 2010, 11:00:28 AM
Unfortunately, after crunching numbers, this is a no go for me this year. The cost of the table is fine, but transport and hotel make it cost prohibitive. On top of that, I'm appearing at Archon on, I believe, the week before this, so getting the time off work would be difficult too. It breaks my heart to say no, but I really can't see myself being able to afford this.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on June 18, 2010, 12:07:51 PM
Ok. Well Scott and Cary both seemed pretty interested. Maybe you guys can split a table or something? Let me know guys. Clocks ticking!
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: operationremie on July 11, 2010, 08:44:11 PM
i'll be going to NYCC with some friends on saturday. i'll definitely stop by and say hi to everyone who is there!
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Richard on August 17, 2010, 07:47:51 PM
Well, our booth got changed to 1055 in the small publishers area.

It's a good thing to check out the exhibitor handbook now that it's up on the site. I managed to catch a change they had inadvertently put up. They had changed the Small Press booth's tickets to 3 exhibitor badges and 2 professional badges. Originally on their contracts it stated 5 exhibitor badges. The major difference between the two being the ability to set up several days before and enter the show floor an hour early. After some phone calls I got it sorted out... But I wouldn't have even known there was a problem if I hadn't checked out the handbook  ;D

I also received word that registration for exhibitor badges is either going to start by the end of this week or next week, so heads up!
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Richard on August 18, 2010, 11:58:07 AM
Just thought I should put up a reminder for people to get their NY State Tax ID numbers for the convention. It doesn't cost anything and there is a good chance that state officials are going to be checking for them at the convention.

I heard that at San Diego Comic Con they were checking quite a few people to see if they had theirs.

You can fill it out quickly online here: http://www.nys-opal.com/
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on August 18, 2010, 04:24:00 PM
Thanks man. Good advice.  ;)
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Richard on September 10, 2010, 04:35:46 PM
Aaaand they just completely reorganized a lot of space to get rid of empty tables. They gave away our corner position and changed us from 1055 to 555.. I am so supremely pissed off right now that they did this with no notice.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on September 10, 2010, 06:38:42 PM
That' sucks man. Sorry to hear it. They didn't move us though. So I'm happy about that. I think we have a pretty good spot.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Richard on September 11, 2010, 03:44:48 PM
Well, I got on the phone with them and we're back in the corner spot we had. We'll have yet another booth change to 557. I believe this is our fourth booth assignment, lol.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on September 11, 2010, 05:41:57 PM
Good for you!
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on September 12, 2010, 05:13:37 PM
Richard what Business Type did you choose for Interverse? Did you call them to get the tax number or did you go through the whole process?
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Richard on September 12, 2010, 11:14:02 PM
I just went through the link I posted before and filled out all of the forms. Make sure that you're putting in that you're doing a one off temporary tax id.

Show Vendors     NAICS Code = 454390

That should be the right code for you, I believe. I got my sales tax certificate to display about 2 weeks after filling out the form. They also give you an id number so you can check the progress of your submission.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Richard on September 19, 2010, 01:49:18 PM
Anyone planning on attending the ICv2 Digital Comics Conference on the Thursday before NYCC? It looks pretty interesting and it's the same location as NYCC.


I was going to be putting my booth together anyway that day, I think I might be attending this as well.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on September 19, 2010, 06:31:15 PM
Quote from: Richard on September 19, 2010, 01:49:18 PM
Anyone planning on attending the ICv2 Digital Comics Conference on the Thursday before NYCC? It looks pretty interesting and it's the same location as NYCC.


I was going to be putting my booth together anyway that day, I think I might be attending this as well.

I'd love to as the subject I think is very important and interesting but... for $100 I simply can't swing it right now. If you do attend I'd love to hear about it as I'm sure most other members would.
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Richard on September 20, 2010, 09:18:00 AM
Well, I think I will be attending this. I definitely am interested in talking to some of these people after the sessions and I think it will be quite enlightening. I'm more than willing to write an article about it if you want Rob  :P
Title: Re: New York Comic Con
Post by: Rob on September 20, 2010, 01:25:55 PM
That would be awesome. Take notes!  ;D