Who was not enchanted, but perhaps a little strange. Hello all, first post, first thread, intro time
My name is Stefan, my nick as you may have observed is Thereisnosaurus. I'm a university student, 4th year, studying games design, specializing in play theory- that is to say the fundamental mechanics of what makes up play, games and creativity in general. I'm an analytical type with a streak of the rabid genki to me if I'm in good spirits. I love creativity in all it's forms and enjoy creating and solving puzzles as well as stories. I've been a webcomic author for four and a half years, I began in order to learn how to draw and my comic has been very helpful in that regard.
My comic is called hero in training, it's an interesting little number that defies easy classification. It's primarily a plot driven comic, revolving around the notions of heroism, bravery and willpower and how they are represented in reality and in myth. It follows a teenage boy and his close friends as they are thrown into situations beyond their understanding by a subconscious decision by him to tread the path of the hero. It serves as a deconstruction of archetypal stories and plots, though I do try and keep such explorations kindly and humorous.
Looking forward to hanging out and seeing what the place has to offer ^^
Hi Stefan, welcome to the board.
This place offers site critiques, articles on improving your writing and drawing, free advertising for regular posters, and a panda on your birthday.
Yo. :)
Hey Stefan, glad to see you over here.
Welcome Stefan. That is a very complex and insightful explanation of your comic. For a moment there I was having English 400 flashbacks. LOL.
I hope you find your time here enjoyable and worthwhile. ;)
thanks for the welcome all ^^
Welcome to the fun, Stefan =D
Welcome to the forum, dude.