Hey all, I'm a cartoonist working away between gigs as any number of other jobs in NYC. My current project is a long-form webcomic at www.mistermask.com (http://www.mistermask.com). It's been few months of hair-pulling fun as I develop as an artist, but I'm finally hitting a productive stride. Hope to learn a lot from this community, and hopefully contribute too.
peace. Harry
Hiya Harry.
Your artwork looks good, by what I can see of it. No navigation buttons, eh? Wordpress = bleh
Ack! Got that nav problem fixed...Thanks for the compliment.
Yeah, Wordpress in my hands is definately Bleh!
Welcome. I think I've seen you or someone like you here before... or maybe you just signed up awhile ago and never posted. Sometimes I check on new members when they first join.
Anyway, I hope you find the place to your liking. Always happy to get some new active members.