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Front Page Articles => Discuss Feature Articles => Topic started by: Rob on June 21, 2010, 04:19:12 AM

Title: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Rob on June 21, 2010, 04:19:12 AM

Almost all of us do it. I literally just did it. (http://remedy.remedialcomics.com/) For whatever reason our comic doesn't update on time. We go to our blog, our Twitter, our forum or comments section and we make excuses.

Some people will take issue with this. Some folks are more comfortable saying that they are explaining the "reasons" for the delay or hiatus or whatever to their readers. But that's just mincing words. To me, a reason is a detailed explanation for the occurrence or absence of an event devoid of any emotional context. A reason is an explanation of why something is. Nothing more, nothing less.

The moment you interject a request for understanding or empathy, commiseration or forgiveness your reason has become an excuse.

And there can be no doubt that when we fail to update on time, we break that promise to our readers, we want them to understand. We want them to feel sorry for us because our computer broke or our dog died. We want them to forgive us for breaking our promise and understand that it isn't really our fault; the server in Maryland crashed and our hosting service isn't answering the phone or e-mails. We want their empathy because we are sick and feeling too bad to draw, write or otherwise update the site.

But the vast majority of readers don't care.

Stop and think about it for a moment. You go to one of your favorite webcomic sites. Because while all of us are creators I assume most of us are also readers. And the site is down. Or it hasn't been updated for a week. Or the images are broken. So maybe you scroll down to the blog or comments and there you see it.

The excuse.

My car broke down and I need money so I'm concentrating on commissions. My sister's, boyfriends, uncle died and left him a big inheritance but we all had to spend the night in a haunted mansion and now I'm cursed. And so on.

Did you care?

I know there are some readers who commiserate. And those are great readers. "You take care of your business dude. We'll be here when the insurance company rebuilds your burned down house, you are no longer in rehab, have been raised from the dead, whatever." Chances are they are your biggest supporters. But have you ever seen more than handful of those comments? Even on the biggest of comics; I haven't.

My comic was lucky enough to be promoted by doing a guest comic on a much larger site. The traffic was a server melting 90k unique users in three days. We managed to retain enough of those readers that for the next month or so we were averaging between 5-8 thousand uniques a day. Then things started falling apart.

My artist had "issues." Our buffer was quickly depleted and updates became haphazard and soon I had to put the whole site on hiatus.

And yes, I did get a few of those comments. Those wonderful, supportive, almost make you feel worse because it reminds you you are letting down people who care, comments. They told me they would be here when things got going again.

And in the space of three weeks into my hiatus the traffic was down to less than 50 people a day.

Now, I was continuing to blog. And I occasionally added reviews and news items to the site. I even started another comic made entirely by me (http://bwbd.remedialcomics.com/) (an affront to humanity if there ever was one). But I never approached anything resembling respectable numbers again. The damage was done. The covenant broken and until I was ready to update regularly with that compelling content, and prove to anyone coming to the site that we can earn that trust back, it was pretty obvious to me that I wasn't going to get anywhere.

Readers are some of the most unforgiving bosses there are. If you abuse their trust and constantly make excuses they will simply not patronize your site.

But it is a catch 22. You can't simply not update and pretend that nothing happened. You have to say something. But I honestly don't believe that what you say matters very much. It is what it is; simply one of the worst things that can happen to a webcomic. And the only thing I think you can do is try and mitigate it by not spreading blame, not whining, explaining the issue concisely (or perhaps humorously) and assuring the readers that it is a temporary condition that will be resolved quickly.

Unless it isn't.

I know of several webcomics who have done just this. Explained the hiatus with hints of exciting projects to come and promises of long stretches of uninterrupted updates only to come back with more and more excuses.

One of my favorite blogs was where a creator, after months of haphazard updates defiantly announced he (or she, not looking to out anyone) wasn't going to make any more excuses and was just going to say that the comic will be done when it's done. And then proceeded to tease about exciting upcoming projects that would blow my mind.

My personal feeling is that one of the worst things you can do is jerk your readers around. I'm guilty of it myself but I feel like I've gained some perspective on the issue. If I ever find myself in a situation where I'm going to break a promise to a reader by not updating or worse, not updating for a long period of time, sure I'm going to tell them why. But if you're life has gotten complicated and it's looking like you will have sporadic updates for the future it's best to just explain the situation and pull the plug until you get your proverbial shit together.

Readers can develop an active dislike for creators who treat them this way. I recently had to have a little talk with myself regarding a creator I'm going to see soon at a convention. I've been going to his/her site for years and the update schedule has always been sketchy but lately it's been total crap. Not only have I seriously considered removing the comic from my bookmarks but as each visit to the site results in no new content (except for new excuses), week after week, month after month, I've found myself to be actually angry with this creator over my wasted time. Hope turns to bitter ash I suppose. And I needed to remind myself that being snarky with that creator when I see him/her isn't going to get me an update. Might make me an enemy. So I need to squash it. But the sentiment remains.

I should say that this is my perspective as a reader. As a creator I understand life gets in the way. And so I'm here to tell you that as creators I think we should all endeavor to handle these situations better. Most of us will never be as prolific and stable as Howard Taylor. (http://www.fleen.com/archives/2010/06/03/obligatory-observation-about-thursdays/) Things do happen. But I think we need to take ownership of them. Do a little less whining and be straight with our readers. If what we tell them when the bad things happen is what actually comes to pass, maybe we'll be able to preserve a little bit of that trust lost when we break our promise to update. That's me theory anyway.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GaNda on June 21, 2010, 04:31:48 PM
I am currently not updating my webcomic for some time now mostly because I want to make my website much better and all of a sudden things bother me that I didn't notice before...I got to get those things sorted out first before I continue.
I didn't blog any excuses nor do I feel I have to do so.I have artist issues, I love my work but I put them out there mostly for me I am still hoping that I will break a thirty thousand Page impression :) one day and maybe that day if I need I will give excuses out if readers would actually make me feel that they want to read my stuff..personally feel obligated to readers if they make you feel wanted....I think....
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Gibson on June 21, 2010, 10:39:05 PM
While I do agree that jerking your readers around or not updating regularly or taking lightly the need for a hiatus, there are a lot of thing that mitigate whether an audience will stick with you and how much they will care. One, of course, is the quality of your comic. Another is how compelling your comic is. Another is the size of your audience. Another is the frequency of your breaks and another still is the length of the hiatus. And despite what you've said here, Rob, I do think the reasons for the break make a difference.

Pictures of You has gone on unscheduled breaks three times since it began in 2007, twice were due to computer malfunctions and the third was due to, I hate to say, being busy. I was square and upfront with my readers each time, and I did get a fair amount of supportive comments. None of those times did I see a significant drop in readership...none at all, really. Granted, they were short breaks, the longest being two weeks (missing 7 updates, however) during which time I was posting filler every day, but the fact remains that I wasn't posting comics and the fans were with me.

In fact, to the point that only a handful will ever care about your reason, the last time I went on break and posted a page saying so, it was one of my three or four most commented pages up to that point. Almost all of the comments were of the "Of course we'll wait, this comic is awesome!" variety, and a few even told me, I shit you not, to take a longer break.

Now, Pictures of You has a loyal following, made up mostly of people who are methodical about checking for updates. There are more than a few folks who visit several times a day, even when the comic isn't updating. Not every comic will have that, but every comic can, and that goes to the point that there are always going to be mitigating circumstances to decide whether your comic will or won't survive a break. There's also the fact that people will get more invested in a well-told story comic than they will in a gag-a-day, and folks are more likely to forget about a gag-a-day during a short hiatus. It's the other edge of the sword that story comics have a harder time drawing an audience than gag-a-days, they have an easier time keeping them.

I will say that there's a point at which no comic's readership will survive a delay. If you're going to be offline more than a month, it will always hurt you. If you're going to be offline more than two, chances are you should just stop or be prepared to build your audience again from scratch.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Alectric on June 22, 2010, 12:08:05 AM
Funny you should say that...I just ended a two-month hiatus and for some reason I still got plenty of hits on my site (plenty for me, at least) every day, even though I gave my readers no reason to expect any new content in that time.  It's a bit less than before, but not as dramatic as having to rebuild my readership again from scratch.

I hated having to take a break and was simply honest about the situation and what my reasons were.  The break served its purpose and now my usual commentors are coming back saying how happy they are to see my comic updating again (which is so wonderful to see).  The thing is, since my comic is pure hobby, readers who don't comment or vote in the poll, who are just a statistic, really don't matter to me that much, and if I lose them, I'm not going to miss them much.  The ones that care and participate are the ones that stick around.  I can certainly see why losing readers is so concerning to you, Rob, but keep in mind that for hobbyists who mostly do it for their own enjoyment, it's not quite the same.

Also, you're comment on wasting your time checking for a certain comic's updates made my kind of upset, because that is what feeds are for.  Either the author didn't have one set up or you didn't subscribe and yet complained, so either way it's a disappointment.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: ran on June 22, 2010, 01:53:20 AM
I've been sick for like three weeks, and despite the fact that I was feverish and hallucinating, I tried my hardest not to miss an update. I know how crucial it is, especially when your comic is young, but it got to a point where several other cartoonists were pretty certain that I was going to burn myself out if I didn't at least take a couple days to let myself rest and recoup--I explained to them that I didn't want to be late, because again, consistency is crucial, but eventually I kind of got what they were saying and agreed.

Still though, I felt terrible about not being able to post anything, and my cartoonist friends came through. I had a really nice guest comic in my inbox by the time I work up the day that I was supposed to update, from a great friend.

If you can't give them the comic, give them something--ask someone to do a guest comic, or release that fancy, free wallpaper for everyone a week earlier than you planned. Make sure your content is offering something new, even if you have to shuffle everything around later.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: JGray on June 22, 2010, 08:12:16 AM
Keep in mind feeds can and do break (and, in fact, mine did).

My readership was actually slightly up during the break between chapter #1 and chapter #2. This is probably because we offered content every day in the form of webcomic trailers.

Thanks, guys! Couldn't have done it without you.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Gibson on June 22, 2010, 10:30:19 AM
Randi, if you ever need a guest comic again, let me know.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: ran on June 22, 2010, 12:16:50 PM
Quote from: Gibson on June 22, 2010, 10:30:19 AM
Randi, if you ever need a guest comic again, let me know.

I shall! And if you ever need another artist for your intermission comics, I swear I will make time for it if you give me a couple months beforehand to get it done.  =)
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Gibson on June 22, 2010, 12:20:36 PM
Quote from: ran on June 22, 2010, 12:16:50 PM
And if you ever need another artist for your intermission comics, I swear I will make time for it if you give me a couple months beforehand to get it done.  =)

You've always had a standing invitation to do a Snapshot. I'm already compiling the list for next summer, so if you're up for it, I'll put your name down and give you assloads of months!
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: ran on June 22, 2010, 02:53:52 PM
Seriously, add me. The more months the better. And if you ever decide you're writing a snapshot that features Kara for any reason, please find it in your black, awesome heart to toss that one my way. =D
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Dragon Powered on June 25, 2010, 02:59:52 PM
Well, here's an excuse!  I was called to work unexpectedly yesterday, so I didn't get an article up.

Should have one shortly.  I know, excuses excuses...
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Gar on June 25, 2010, 04:05:01 PM
Quote from: Dragon Powered on June 25, 2010, 02:59:52 PM
Well, here's an excuse!  I was called to work unexpectedly yesterday, so I didn't get an article up.

Should have one shortly.  I know, excuses excuses...

Leeway Granted, huzzah!
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 06, 2010, 05:46:14 PM
This is something that's really been on my mind as of late.

I've been running 5 days a week without missing a beat (I was 3 days for the first couple months this year, then 5 from there on), and it's steadily grown an audience for me. I started with a 2 month buffer, and as I come to the end of Part One, my buffer is down to about 5 weeks (as of this writing). I'm wanting to spend the time to get the buffer back up to two months' worth before starting Part Two, which might take as little as 2 weeks, or might take up to a month (depending on my flow). Or might take nothing depending on how these next two weeks go for me.

Point being, I'm really worried about even setting up a timed hiatus. Even 2 weeks between 'seasons' would mean a drop in audience. I have no idea how much, but there WILL be a drop. Or I guess my question is, will there be?

Does anyone have any anecdotes or their own experience with a planned hiatus and how that went over? If you set yourself a date, and even spend some cash on advertising for the return date, would the audience not miss a beat? Or is any extended time off beyond a couple days destined for a loss of audience?
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Rob on September 06, 2010, 08:56:57 PM
Gar from Neko the Kitty just did this. Maybe he can stop by and comment on how things went.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Alectric on September 07, 2010, 12:46:14 AM
Well, better spend the time now then run out of buffer later.  Or do you have some alternative in mind?

Besides, are the readers that would leave because you took two weeks off really all that important to you?
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Gar on September 07, 2010, 04:40:59 AM
I went on extended hiatus a couple of times and lost my entire audience. It wasn't a planned thing, I was doing my Masters degree (Modern English Literature - I wrote my dissertation on Watchmen :D ) and I'd just gotten out of a bad relationship into an even worse rebound relationship. Still, I didn't update for a couple of months, restarted on a sporadic update schedule, and then stopped for another couple of months. I now have an fairly common to me, but otherwise unusual reaction when people find my strip - "Holy shit Neko the Kitty's updating again! Awesome!"  I really should advertise to that.

Oh wait, Rob was referring to the recent break. I take a week off about twice a year and it's never hurt me too badly. I recently did a guest week to break up acts 1 and 2 of the current batch of storylines I'm doing, and that worked out pretty well. Got a couple of new readers from the guest authors' audiences, and used the time to set up a fancier site. It's good to take a break once in a while, you don't want to burn out.

Here's (http://nekothekitty.smackjeeves.com/chapters/13242/the-adventures-of-bummy/) a doodly comic I ran for a week when I lost all my art programs last year. I now keep drawing that character in the background as a 'where's Waldo' because my best friend and occasional co-writer McJefferstein hates him.

Basically as long as there's something new on the site, and they're not too long or too frequent, you can get away with taking breaks.

Personally I'd recommend cutting down on your update schedule. If you're eating into your buffer more than you're comfortable with, then that indicates that your update schedule exceeds your work capacity, and you'll burn out quick if that's the case. Try cutting down to a four update a week schedule for a while. That's still more 'on' days than 'off' days in a week, so if you upped it because you felt the 3-weekly thing was too little then that's still 'lots'. Check your stats to see which day has the lowest traffic (it's probably friday) and post a notification saying you'll be putting up one less update a week because you just can't work that fast. Your art's really good, so 5x weekly is simply an astonishing output, people will understand if you can't keep the pace up indefinitely.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 07, 2010, 09:31:42 AM
Quote from: Alectric on September 07, 2010, 12:46:14 AM
Well, better spend the time now then run out of buffer later.  Or do you have some alternative in mind?

Besides, are the readers that would leave because you took two weeks off really all that important to you?

Honestly, every reader is important to me. It doesn't have to be done out of malice, but there will of course be people who can drop out of a comic merely because they stop making it part of their routine. Those aren't people to cast off, if it can be avoided. Those are the ones I'm wondering about. Can you lose that crowd even in 2 weeks?
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 07, 2010, 09:41:36 AM
Guest week! I could have done a guest art week. That would have been really smart of me, I suppose, but it totally didn't cross my mind in time. Maybe next time - what I would really love is if I was so far along into the next season that I could give example panels that whole break, kind of like a 'trailer' for what's to come, but I'll never be THAT far ahead.

I've had a few people recommend dropping the update schedule, but I refuse to let that happen anytime soon - honestly, I've gotten to a point where I'm drawing pages twice as fast as I need to update them. The 2 month buffer I started with let me take about 2 full months off from art production during these 7 months. One time was to just not have to work on the comic at all, and another was struggling with writer's block on the script for Part Two. I had to get to a point in the script before I felt comfortable starting those pages. It also lets me take some vacations out of town, etc.

I was honestly expecting to eat up the ENTIRE buffer, so I suppose I should be happy I still have 5 of the 8 weeks left at the end of Part One. I was originally always planning on taking a couple months or so between Parts/seasons to start a new buffer from scratch, and to give the comic more of a TV show feel.

But I suppose now I'm trying to figure out if I should skip that conceit entirely and just plow through pages to keep the schedule going at all times, and if any others have done planned breaks and how it goes over. Thanks for your input, Gar! It's good to know that if it comes to it, it won't be too much of a blow (though I really have nothing planned to update during that break).
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Alectric on September 07, 2010, 03:47:51 PM
Quote from: GroundChux on September 07, 2010, 09:31:42 AM
Honestly, every reader is important to me. It doesn't have to be done out of malice, but there will of course be people who can drop out of a comic merely because they stop making it part of their routine. Those aren't people to cast off, if it can be avoided. Those are the ones I'm wondering about. Can you lose that crown even in 2 weeks?

But those are the readers that don't comment or purchase anything or provide any sort of benefit to you.  If they decide they don't want to read your comic anymore, it's their loss, not yours.  Or do you feel your worth as a webcomic author is only held by the sheer number of readers you have, rather than their devotion or involvement?

But yeah, a guest week would be a good idea too.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 07, 2010, 08:21:46 PM
Quote from: Alectric on September 07, 2010, 03:47:51 PM
But those are the readers that don't comment or purchase anything or provide any sort of benefit to you.  If they decide they don't want to read your comic anymore, it's their loss, not yours.  Or do you feel your worth as a webcomic author is only held by the sheer number of readers you have, rather than their devotion or involvement?

But yeah, a guest week would be a good idea too.

I'm honestly not into that kind of more stand-off-ish relationship with an audience. The fact that these people are reading is a benefit for me, because it means my story is reaching more people. I'm not about to start asking "what have you done for me lately?". Each person I'm cool with getting rid of because they're not involved means they'll NEVER get involved. Each person I try to keep means that's one more person who could eventually get involved.

I get "Long time reader, first time commenter" comments pretty often. I'd hate to think I didn't want them around because 4 months ago they weren't getting involved.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Rob on September 07, 2010, 08:56:25 PM
Quote from: GroundChux on September 07, 2010, 08:21:46 PM
Quote from: Alectric on September 07, 2010, 03:47:51 PM
But those are the readers that don't comment or purchase anything or provide any sort of benefit to you.  If they decide they don't want to read your comic anymore, it's their loss, not yours.  Or do you feel your worth as a webcomic author is only held by the sheer number of readers you have, rather than their devotion or involvement?

But yeah, a guest week would be a good idea too.

I'm honestly not into that kind of more stand-off-ish relationship with an audience. The fact that these people are reading is a benefit for me, because it means my story is reaching more people. I'm not about to start asking "what have you done for me lately?". Each person I'm cool with getting rid of because they're not involved means they'll NEVER get involved. Each person I try to keep means that's one more person who could eventually get involved.

I get "Long time reader, first time commenter" comments pretty often. I'd hate to think I didn't want them around because 4 months ago they weren't getting involved.

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Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Alectric on September 07, 2010, 11:45:46 PM
I see your point, but I still don't think you should run yourself ragged just to make sure you don't lose a few readers.  You're probably going to lose some readers every now and then no matter what you do, and you have to accept that if you want to stay sane, or even just continue to actually enjoy making your webcomic.

And how exactly is your comic supposed to affect people?  Does it have some sort of agenda?  Because otherwise it's just about the sheer number of readers, which I personally think shouldn't be placed above the quality of the readership, so to speak.

You might choose to strain yourself in order to keep updates continuous, so as not to lose any readers, but you comic may very well suffer for it, and the enjoyment that people get from it overall would weaken.  It's a tradeoff, and it all depends on what you value most.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 08, 2010, 12:51:49 AM
Quote from: Alectric on September 07, 2010, 11:45:46 PM
I see your point, but I still don't think you should run yourself ragged just to make sure you don't lose a few readers.  You're probably going to lose some readers every now and then no matter what you do, and you have to accept that if you want to stay sane, or even just continue to actually enjoy making your webcomic.

You might choose to strain yourself in order to keep updates continuous, so as not to lose any readers, but you comic may very well suffer for it, and the enjoyment that people get from it overall would weaken.  It's a tradeoff, and it all depends on what you value most.

Heh, I appreciate the concern, but I haven't mentioned anything about burning out or having quality issues. I was asking about experience with taking planned breaks in a schedule.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Gar on September 08, 2010, 04:00:38 AM
Well when's your planned break coming up if you're looking for guest strips? I'm going on vacation soon so I might not be able to do anything myself, but I can post something up in the 'classifieds' section of webcomics.com for you if you're not a member there, and I have an idea for something I can do if there's time.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 08, 2010, 10:02:44 AM
That's really cool of you to offer, Gar! Thank you.

It's possibly coming up in under 2 weeks, which is way too short for me to both get art and organize a way to put it all together. I wouldn't necessarily ask for strips, I'd probably try to get drawings, and then I'd have to figure out a way to NOT put it into the regular comic rotation, because ultimately I wouldn't want to interrupt the archive.

I'll have to think about how to handle this better for the end of Part Two!
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Rob on September 08, 2010, 10:17:48 AM
I can't tell you much about planned breaks but unplanned ones are catastrophic. Poorly handled they can set you right back to zero. Trust me I know. I think of all the people I've ever seen take breaks Gar's way was one of the best. Many bigger webcomics simply interrupt the continuity whenever they get busy and jam in some guest strips. Which is great if you're the one doing the guest strip. But the fans aren't crazy about it.

Gar, doing it right in a break with the story lines and well planned out and not taking too long a break I suspect was one of the smoothest ever. It really seemed to work.

In my opinion.

Your comic reminds me a lot of Gibson's "Pictures of You." Seems to have a similar tone I guess. You're spinning a tale about a world I'm completely unfamiliar with and somewhat uncomfortable in (chain smoking hard core lesbians are not something I spend a whole lot of time contemplating). Yet you've created some engaging characters with some very honest narrative. I have to say I really think you've got an excellent story on your hands there and it will just be a matter of time before you find your audience. Managing breaks and stuff are important at this stage in your audience building. Don't screw it up.

Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Alectric on September 08, 2010, 11:20:13 AM
Quote from: GroundChux on September 08, 2010, 12:51:49 AM
Heh, I appreciate the concern, but I haven't mentioned anything about burning out or having quality issues. I was asking about experience with taking planned breaks in a schedule.

Running out of buffer is burning out.  Using fewer panels in every update, something you've made a note of on your site, is a quality issue.  But it seems I'm giving unsollicited advice, so feel free to ignore me. :P
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Gar on September 08, 2010, 02:44:22 PM
In another case of the author taking after their characters, your last post was a little ambiguous  :P. I mentioned you were looking for guest art in the webcomics.com classifieds. I can retract the request if you like, you  might not get any bites off it anyway.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 08, 2010, 09:33:47 PM
Quote from: Gar on September 08, 2010, 02:44:22 PM
In another case of the author taking after their characters, your last post was a little ambiguous  :P. I mentioned you were looking for guest art in the webcomics.com classifieds. I can retract the request if you like, you  might not get any bites off it anyway.

You are totally correct. That was pretty ambiguous. Sorry about that.

I meant that I was probably too late at this point to really pull off a guest schedule properly, especially with me being out of town for most of next week. And that I really need to plan for this properly NEXT time. Make more of an actual event out of it. My nose is often too far down into working on the pages to spend any time on things outside of just producing the comic.

I don't know if it's worth pulling the classified. Worst case scenario is I don't get to put something together in time, and instead I give people their own spots in the blogs. Or I suppose worst case is no one replies, heh.

That was really nice of you to do, though. So thank you. :)
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 08, 2010, 09:38:34 PM
Quote from: Alectric on September 08, 2010, 11:20:13 AM
Quote from: GroundChux on September 08, 2010, 12:51:49 AM
Heh, I appreciate the concern, but I haven't mentioned anything about burning out or having quality issues. I was asking about experience with taking planned breaks in a schedule.

Running out of buffer is burning out.  Using fewer panels in every update, something you've made a note of on your site, is a quality issue.  But it seems I'm giving unsollicited advice, so feel free to ignore me. :P

I think we've just got different definitions on what those terms mean!

I started with 8 weeks of buffer in January, and I'm at 5 weeks now. That's not at all what I would say is burning out. That's three weeks lost over the course of 9 months, including even a few months of me not actively producing pages (and then catching up). Burning out to me is when you get to a point where you can't work on something anymore because you've fried yourself on it.

And I don't think fewer panels is a quality issue. It's the nature of the beast in how I'm updating. I'm giving half-page updates each day. Sometimes that means that half-page is actually a quiet subtle moment that's all art and no story. That's just the way it's going to happen sometimes, and while I can worry about that, it's something that's going to happen and I don't want to change the flow of the story to adjust into daily updates. What you're suggesting is that it's more of a quantity issue, and giving more panels doesn't necessarily mean a better quality story or experience.

Honestly if I could do a full page each and every day I would, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Still need to work my day job, heh.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 08, 2010, 09:46:48 PM
Hey thanks, Rob. That's really nice to say! I've grown a pretty decent-sized audience for this early in the game (I think), and am definitely conscious of how easy it would be to screw it up at this point. Always easier to lose an audience in the beginning.

And it does sound like Gar had the right idea, which was largely my theory and what I was hoping to hear, so that's good. I wasn't crazy, anyway! But I should have thought of it a while ago, heh.

Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: Alectric on September 08, 2010, 11:12:02 PM
You were actually the one to bring up "burning out".  What I meant was the way I had put it before, straining yourself or sacrificing quality in order to keep updating as you do.  Cutting down on panels and taking occasional breaks are both sacrifices for quality.  I'm not saying you're unjustified in doing so, I'm just saying that what you value as a webcomic author is reflected in your choice of what to sacrifice.  Because if you reduced your updates to allow for more panels for each one, you might lose a few impatient readers, but the ones that stayed would get more out of each update.

I for one have been reading your comic as it updates, but I find it a bit hard to follow sometimes, because each page feels disconnected, and if a conversation spans over too many pages, I find I have to reread the last few pages every time a new one comes up just to remind myself of the context.  So it comes down to whether you prefer quantity or quality when it comes to your readership, and it seems that you prefer quantity.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: GroundChux on September 09, 2010, 12:29:50 AM
Quote from: Alectric on September 08, 2010, 11:12:02 PM
You were actually the one to bring up "burning out".  What I meant was the way I had put it before, straining yourself or sacrificing quality in order to keep updating as you do.  Cutting down on panels and taking occasional breaks are both sacrifices for quality.  I'm not saying you're unjustified in doing so, I'm just saying that what you value as a webcomic author is reflected in your choice of what to sacrifice.  Because if you reduced your updates to allow for more panels for each one, you might lose a few impatient readers, but the ones that stayed would get more out of each update.

I for one have been reading your comic as it updates, but I find it a bit hard to follow sometimes, because each page feels disconnected, and if a conversation spans over too many pages, I find I have to reread the last few pages every time a new one comes up just to remind myself of the context.  So it comes down to whether you prefer quantity or quality when it comes to your readership, and it seems that you prefer quantity.

Not to be pedantic but I haven't actually brought up 'burning out' anywhere in this thread, other than to say that I'm not burning out when Gar mentioned it.

That's cool you've been reading, though! And the contention with uploads is something I thought long and hard about in the beginning. I know enough about how webcomics and traffic work to know that the more consistent and often you are, the more people you'll gather. Ultimately, this is supposed to be read as a book, but I wasn't going to alter the story to fit online, and tried to come up with something that'll work as a middle ground.

This is all completely besides the point, though, and this thread wasn't supposed to be a general chat about my comic, so apologies to the original intent of this thread! If you want to continue this we should take it elsewhere.
Title: Re: Webcomics 2.0 - Excuses Excuses
Post by: tmoverbeck on September 27, 2010, 07:41:42 AM
I've had my comic running consistently for almost three years now, never had a buffer, and I haven't had to take a hiatus yet (knock on IKEA particle-board). If God forbid I got in a situation where I had to abandon TLT for an extended period of time, I'd definitely be open and honest about my absence, and try to put something up in the comic's stead, such as scanned rough sketches, historical documents or fan art.

Some people will just abandon their comic for months on end without giving any indication or reason for the absence. At first you think, okay, no big deal, we'll probably get a new strip in a matter of days. Then after a few weeks, you begin to wonder if they permanently abandoned their comic. Then a couple months pass without so much as even a "I'm swamped with critical issues that must take priority over my comic, so I don't know when or if I'll be able to update again" note. And now you're wondering if the person's even still alive. While I can sympathize and understand about having to take care of personal or family emergencies, at least let your audience know what's up, you can be as vague as you want about the cause. I just don't want people losing readers - regular ones or potential new ones - over a comic being AWOL.