I'm currently doing a broad superhero genre parody, and I've got the hero and villain facing off in a Natural History Museum.
I'm just wondering if by any coincidence anyone else here has recently done/is currently doing a scene in a Natural History museum, because I think it might be cute to have that action going on in the background. I'm not talking about copy-pasting someone else's work, just drawing the characters in teeny tiny background-detail scale in the poses from the sequence they're originally from. Not a crossover per se as the characters wouldn't be interacting, I just think it'd be neat to have some stuff going on in the background and then be able to link to another comic so readers can find out what the background characters are saying and doing.
My characters are in a flashback in the Iraqi desert. Sorry. ;)
Not to worry, I can come up with some background stuff on my own if nobody's able to/wants to do this, I just think it's a cute idea.
I agree that it's a cute idea. If my characters weren't drunken stoner musicians and if the story wasn't at a point where it would be just plain old weird for them to go to a museum, I would try to work it in. Maybe something in the future.
Cool, my guys pretty much just wander around. If anyone wants to do their characters walking past a shop called Tom's House of Crap, that's a landmark in my comic so I'll get round to it in a street shot at some point.
Funny, one of the locations in PoY is Tom's Diner.
I don't think they're affiliated.
Actually having a couple of common background elements across a bunch of comics would also be kinda cool and would help give all the comics involved a sense of World. Next time the strip takes place somewhere where you'd expect to see billboards or posters I'm going to put up a poster for the Gunbaby movie, someone mentioned doing that a while ago.
The Gunbaby movie would be the first NC-17 movie starring a baby. We could make history! :D