Webcomics Community

Site Maintenance => Advertise Here => Topic started by: Gar on June 25, 2010, 04:03:26 PM

Title: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Gar on June 25, 2010, 04:03:26 PM
Don't know if this is the right place for this, it seemed the most sensible board to advertise my advertising on.

Anyway, I just signed up to Project Wonderful (late to the game, I know) so there are a couple of ads there at zero bid if anyone wants to head over there and bid zero. It's a leaderboard and a skyscraper ad. Leaderboard's across the top of the page and skyskraper's to the right of the comic. The leaderboard appears under the comic in the archived strips, and the skyscraper's in the same space.

I pasted the same code in for the archive pages as for the front page, so as far as I understand it the same ad will appear in every page in the archive as well as on the main page, so that's your ad on over 700 pages! If I get one going on an archive binge, that's one reader who'll see your ad over 700 times!
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Gibson on June 25, 2010, 05:47:17 PM
I don't really understand why no one responds when someone puts out the word that they can get free advertising. Even if you get zero response, all you lose is time and that's worth the shot. Hell, even cheap advertising is worth it. I threw some bids up, one for each of my active titles, but I'll take one down if someone else wants the space. Thanks for the heads up, Gar!
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Rob on June 25, 2010, 06:21:58 PM
I was actually about to throw an ad up when I got called into the pool for an important meeting with the niece and nephew. I'm advertising on hundreds of sites right now though so I don't need the extra if you want to keep it Gib.

In other news, Project Wonderful just approved ads for this site. So as soon as we have time to code them you can advertise here for money... in addition to advertising here for free.  :D
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Gibson on June 26, 2010, 10:55:47 PM
I really don't need the extra, the second comic isn't even updating at the moment and I doubt there would be much cross traffic with Neko. Seriously, I put two up to fill the spaces in case everyone here is as apathetic about free advertising as they were when I posted this same kind of thread a couple months ago. Seeing the response to this thread, they are. Interestingly, though, it's been a full day since I posted the bids and they're still waiting for Gar to approve them.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Rob on June 27, 2010, 02:30:33 AM
oooh. I bet Gar doesn't know he has his ad boxes set to pre approve all ads.

I actually find sites that do this pretty frustrating. I mean. I understand the idea but PW works best when it's rocking and rolling like the stock market. If I go put a bid on a site with a lot of traffic that I think is being underbid I don't like finding out the reason it's being underbid is because the author has only approved a handful of advertisers and almost none of them are bidding on the space right now.

The few times I put in bids on sites like this the moment I am approved by the owner I tend to be outbid and it all ends up being a waste of my time. I much prefer sites where the ads go up when my bid goes through.

Gar are you pre-approving ads on purpose man? Because at your traffic level you are going to go insane trying to keep up with all the 1-5 cent campaigns. You're better off just cancelling ads you don't like.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Gar on June 27, 2010, 12:43:30 PM
Yeah, I wasn't on my computer at all yesterday. Just approved all the bids now, so Gibson, your ads are up.  Hopefully you'll see some clickthrough.

Rob, thanks for the heads up. I had just gone with the default settings, I've switched both ads to auto-approve all bids now, so I can get on with happily ignoring them.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: JGray on June 27, 2010, 03:03:17 PM
I prefer to pre-approve ads, myself. While I don't think I'm going to get porn, I don't want my site used to advertise get rich quick scams (which show up from time to time on PW). I log onto PW at least once a day, though, so it isn't a problem for me. You have to keep up with it if you're gonna play it that way.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Gibson on June 27, 2010, 05:09:03 PM
Rob's right, having to approve ads slows down the bidding process unless you check several times a day, plus it makes for fewer bids. More than once, maybe even more often than not, I've just canceled ads that needed to be approved. The times and dates that I place an ad are usually calculated for better traffic, and if I have to wait a handful of hours or sometimes days for the ad to be approved, I've missed my window and the ad isn't worth what I bid on it. I can understand the mindset of wanting to protect against weird ads, but they're actually really rare on PW. I just log on whenever I get the chance, a few times a day, and check what ads are up to make sure they're okay, then every day or so I'll check out what's outbid to make sure there's nothing weird there.

With Gar, I did figure the ads were set to the default and he didn't realize it. I've seen a little click-through. Hopefully for you, I'll be outbid on them soon, but I've found it usually takes a few days for the bids to come.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Alectric on June 27, 2010, 08:47:02 PM
I require preapproval for bids on my adbox, mostly because I like to be aware of everyone that's bidding, and I always make a point to visit their site before I approve.  I've found some interesting sites this way.  Like, well, this one.  But approval for any bidder is only required the first time, and after that they can bid any time without delay.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Rob on June 27, 2010, 10:02:13 PM
Alectric and J... you guys are costing yourselves money by doing things this way but I won't dispute your right to do it that way. I don't agree with it but if it makes you happy.  ;)
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: JGray on June 28, 2010, 07:25:04 AM
Maybe I'll give it a try and see if it actually raises revenue.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Alectric on June 28, 2010, 08:25:43 PM
At the level of readership I have right now, the money I might be losing is negligible.  If I had a chance of actually making a profit, and got more bids than is convenient to review, I might reconsider.
Title: Re: Advertising on nekothekitty.net
Post by: Gar on June 29, 2010, 03:57:21 AM
Got some more bids!

I've only made 10 cents so far, but it's a start :) Also, the way I figure it the PW ad boxes mean I'm getting free advertising to other cartoonists on PW, so it's still Win.