I'm an amateur webcomics maker who hopes to go pro some day. I go by jeffa or jeffa00 (zeroes there) because I once worked in a small company that had SIX Jeff's, and I wanted to make it obvious in email, etc. which one was me...
My day gig is as programmer and database guy.
I have two web/webcomic projects I'm working on, but only one is public at this point. It is http://funzietown.com (http://funzietown.com) and is a webcomic aimed at kids. If you click that link, just remember that I'm a total n00b at drawing... The one thing I do think is cool about it is that I did a tie-in math practice game related to the storyline: http://funzietown.com/funzietown/saveFlapjack.aspx (http://funzietown.com/funzietown/saveFlapjack.aspx) If you don't have Microsoft Silverlight (like Flash - if you use Netflix streaming, then you have Silverlight), it will ask you to install it.
I haven't been updating much there because I've been working on my own webcomic/blog software. The world doesn't need another software stack since Wordpress/ComicPress work more or less perfectly, but I need experience with new web technology. I pretty much moved OUT of web work when everyone else was getting into it (around 1998). I've been doing invisible database work for the most part since then. For the past year or so I've been trying to catch up with newer web trends.
I'm hoping to move Funzietown to the beta version of the new software within a few weeks. Once I'm happy with it, I plan to release it as an open source project. That's a ways off...
If you are interested in updates on the progress you can check my general blog at http://ammonsonline.com/jeffablog (http://ammonsonline.com/jeffablog)
Like most folks here I came over from webcomics.com. I don't have any problem with their switch to a pay model, but I also want a free forum to hang out in.
So, Howdy!
Hey Jeffa, welcome!
I'm in a similar boat and writing my own webcomic software. I like being in control of how everything on my site functions, which is why I could never be satisfied with ComicPress. I can theme Wordpress, but I'd want to tinker with how the archives are displayed, how the navigation works, and it's all very tiresome to do.
I remember Funzietown. You were one of the guys I lost touch with when the webcomics.com forums disappeared. It's great to see you again. Please make yourself at home.
Comics like XKCD and Cyanide and Happiness have proved time and time again that compelling subject matter and good jokes/storytelling trump art every single time. I always liked the way your comic directed towards kids. It plays to them well without talking down. Like it's including them in the joke.
Glad to have you here. Welcome. ;)
Quote from: Matt on January 10, 2010, 01:07:34 PM
Hey Jeffa, welcome!
I'm in a similar boat and writing my own webcomic software. I like being in control of how everything on my site functions, which is why I could never be satisfied with ComicPress. I can theme Wordpress, but I'd want to tinker with how the archives are displayed, how the navigation works, and it's all very tiresome to do.
Hi, Matt. Just before the paywall went up at webcomics.com there was a Matt who posted that he was working on his own software, and I tried to send him an email via that system. Not sure if you are the same Matt. I'd love to compare notes on experiences/technologies/etc. building webcomcs software.
I've been working with Microsoft technologies since about '05 and am using their asp.Net MVC for what I'm working on now. I'm going to use their Live Writer for doing blog updates (in addition to straight web entry using Tiny MCE), and may write a plug-in eventually to upload comics as well.
Trying to learn Jquery and AJAX and figure out where they make sense in the process.
Like I said in my previous post, I plan to release the whole thing as open source when I'm done and the code is cleaned up enough I'm not embarrassed for folks to see it...
I'm hoping that I may get Funzietown converted over as soon as next weekend. I'm also going to use it for my main blog and my user group site (ggmug.com: Microsoft Programers group).
Quote from: Rob on January 10, 2010, 04:45:45 PM
I remember Funzietown. You were one of the guys I lost touch with when the webcomics.com forums disappeared. It's great to see you again. Please make yourself at home.
Comics like XKCD and Cyanide and Happiness have proved time and time again that compelling subject matter and good jokes/storytelling trump art every single time. I always liked the way your comic directed towards kids. It plays to them well without talking down. Like it's including them in the joke.
Glad to have you here. Welcome. ;)
Hi, Rob. Nice to hear from you again too.
I had just found that the forums were back up in December and was starting to come there again.
I think that the sweet spot for webcomics seems to be the gag-a-day style. I've also found that kids don't read as many comics as they once did.
I have some plans for Funzietown that will take it in a bit of a different direction once the current storyline wraps up.
I'm also working up some gag strips for the other project I hope to get up within a month or so. You can see a sample here: http://ammonsonline.com/jeffablog/post/Why-Do-I-NEED-A-Kindle.aspx (http://ammonsonline.com/jeffablog/post/Why-Do-I-NEED-A-Kindle.aspx)
Oh, if anyone is interested I'm http://twitter.com/jeffa00 (http://twitter.com/jeffa00) on Twitter as well.