I've got a new job that has me on the road a lot. It's been extremely difficult to work on my comic in hotel rooms. I've resorted to taking digital photos on my sketches and uploading them to Photoshop. Does anyone out there know of an affordable and portable scanner. Resolution or whatnot is unimportant; the scanned penciled art is going to be inked over in Photoshop.
I have to admit this looks pretty cool:
And you can get a certified refurbished portable model for $99. Not bad.
I think my sister has one similar to that (a little bar that feeds through). though I can't remember the brand ::)
At any rate, she told me in the past that she was very satisfied with it. She totes it around in her laptop case every time she travels for work.
What's your definition of portable?
If you're after something bigger than a hand-held scanner, I'd recommend something like a CanoScan Lide 200 (http://www.canon.com.au/en-au/For-You/Faxes-Scanners/CanoScan-Scanners/LiDE200). I just picked one up myself the other week to replace my old Lide 60 (That old thing just REFUSED to work with 64-bit Windows 7... Grrr).
It's a flatbed scanner, but very light and host-powered (i.e. no A/C power needed, voltage comes through the USB cable!). Definitely something you could get away trundling around with in a small carry-on suitcase.
We have them for about $160 AUD here in Australia.
thank you
I have a web comic called Schwartz and Merc. Its at www.schwartzandmerc.com if you are interested in looking at it. Right now I am working on finishing up a manga satire comic. But there are many different stories to come if you are interested. I don't get much forum time to talk about comics because I also have a full time job and take classes. But my twitter and Schwartz and Merc facebook fan pages are really easy ways to contact me directly @MercuryRitter is my twitter handle if you wish to follow. Also feel free to ask me to check out your site and I will give you feedback if you like.
Quote from: klingers on August 26, 2010, 01:58:09 AMIf you're after something bigger than a hand-held scanner, I'd recommend something like a CanoScan Lide 200 (http://www.canon.com.au/en-au/For-You/Faxes-Scanners/CanoScan-Scanners/LiDE200). I just picked one up myself the other week to replace my old Lide 60 (That old thing just REFUSED to work with 64-bit Windows 7... Grrr).
DITTO on the Canons! I got a CanoScan Lide 210 a few months back and I love it. It's lightweight, about the length of a normal laptop that has a full keyboard and numberpad, so it could potentially slip into a laptop bag. The USB power/data cord can disconnect fully so you can store it next to it. It was $80 USD on bhphotovideo.com.
If you have a smartphone, that can take pretty good pics. Just put your image in the sunlight.
Failing that, I love my VuPoint Magic Wand scanner. It's extremely compact, wireless, does up to 600 dpi. The only issue is that the scanned object needs to be locked down somehow or else the lines get all screwed up.