Hello! My name is Renna, and I'm a new webcomic artist. I'd always wanted to do a comic but I was so worried about it that I put it off until I was older... now I love every minute of it.
Anyway, it's nice to meet all of you! I don't have many friends who do webcomics so it would be great to make some friends / get some pointers / have someone to rant with when a page gets on my nerves! Haha. I'm very friendly so feel free to send me a message. :)
Hey Renna. Welcome to the fold.
You're off to a great start and among people who can keep that momentum going. If you have the confidence for it I recommend getting your site reviewed. (http://forum.webcomicscommunity.com/index.php/topic,485.0.html)
If you're not quite ready for the constructive criticism (and that's completely ok at your one month anniversary) there are lot's of other things you can learn from the members here. And there are some folks who are very very good with the SmackJeeves site so you have an opportunity here to learn from some folks who have some very specific related experience.
Once again, welcome.
Hey Renna. Your arts are pretty bitchin'. Nice to see some ACTUAL talent around here... :P Sorry guys, just joking ;D Anyways, good to meet you!
Thank you very much! :) I'm a very shy person but I'm going to try hard to contribute to the community.
Aaaaand I think I'll ask for my site to be reviewed once I get a little more settled in haha. Thank you so much for the advice.
There's nothing to be shy about on the internet. You can lie, cheat, steal and yell at anyone you want. It's a lovely thing we got going on here :P
Hi Renna, welcome to the board :)
Hello! Welcome! You've got a strong art style with a great, bishi boy thing going there. Good in medias res plot point as well. I just have to ask, please put in navigation buttons. They'll make reading your comic much easier.
Welcome to the group, let the ranting begin!
welcome, renna! :D it's nice to have some new webcomicers join our fold.
Welcome, Renna! Looks like you are already off to a great start!
Steals a pencil from mcfadyn and then yells about it for a bit.
QuoteHello! My name is Renna, and I'm a new webcomic artist. I'd always wanted to do a comic but I was so worried about it that I put it off until I was older... now I love every minute of it.
I've had the same problem for years, afraid that I couldn't make a nice product. Until one day I sat down and draw something! ;D Welcome to the forum!
It's so nice to meet new people~ thank you everyone for being so friendly to me. :>