Evidently, some church is going to protest Comic-Con (San Diego) next week. Read about it here. (http://nerdbastards.com/2010/07/12/westboro-baptist-to-protest-at-comic-con/)
Haha, I heard about that. Makes me wish I could be there to see it.
The Westboro Baptist Church is a church in about the same way the Manson family was a family.
Except the majority of the membership are the oddly vindictive members of the "pastor's" family. So, they're MORE a family than the Manson family.
And all lawyers.
I kid you not.
i'm just waiting til a guy dressed up as a stormtrooper carries a real gun and hits them all up.
one can hope. i'm really getting tired of those guys.
Are these the same wackadoos who were protesting at soldiers funerals and telling everyone 9/11 happened because God hate's gay people?
I can't believe the media hasn't stopped covering them. Nuts like them are like Tinkerbell. If you don't clap for them they fade away.
They are, indeed, the same people.
I'm now wishing more than ever that I could go.
A perfect song for the loonies. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkXPyY9Wo_A)
I'd like to tell you all about the latterday church of Odin, in which Marvel's 'Thor' comics occupy the same theological space as the Book of Mormon. It's a pretty good religion.
I think we may have finally seen the Phelps bite off more than they can chew.
Just. Pure. Awesomesauce. ;D
I just saw that article. ;D So f'ing awesome.
There was a very enlightening BBC Louis Theroux special on the Westborough Baptist Church a few years back. Made for some rather interesting watching.
Those folks are nuts o_O
I saw that one.
What makes Louis Theroux so good at his job is the fact that he seems so harmless and sort of inept.
I was completely convinced this was a joke when I heard about it.
If it was a joke it wouldn't be nearly as funny.