Seems there are songs about many of the big name comics. Pretty cool idea and fun I think.
Very true! It will be both cool and fun. Thanks for mentioning it!
Let me guess...?
Google Alert?
Love those Google Alerts.
And welcome to the site. I'd love to hear more about what you are doing. ;)
Listened to some of your songs while I was colouring last night - very nice, I liked your cover of the opera song from Final Fantasy VI. I played that on the SNES so that's the first time I've ever heard someone actually singing it.
I'm going to ask you to take a look at Neko the Kitty for inspiration, because I'd love to have a theme song and I'm not too polite to ask :)
Wordpress, not Google Alerts, but analytics are analytics.;)
I will look at Neko--thanks!
HEY HEY HEY here is a NEW SONG about A SOFTER WORLD!!!!! (
The Neko song will happen. Probably not before Thursday's concert, but it will show up on Hello, the Future shortly afterwards...
Oh that's fantastic. You have to let us know when. We'll front page the article on it.
Congrats Gar... that's what I always say about asking politely. It almost always works well and rarely hurts anything.
Yay! ;D
Yay! I'll check out the new song when I get home (can't listen to it in work with Santa Claus watching me)
Also I'm super excited about the Neko song :D
EDIT: Hahaha, thanks for deleting the bot spam post but leaving my reaction to it intact. :D
In the future we don't call it SPAM, we call it making an honest living!
You proto-communist hippies would do well to learn a thing or three about future capitalism!
Now be good little nerdlings and buy an ALL NEW eyePhone 4000!
There is no subspace antenna problem!
All phones have subspace antenna problems!
Get off my lawn you hippies!
I just wrote a blog post to go with that horrific animated GIF I made... (
EyePhone feels like EyeBurn!
All Glory to the Hypnotoad...but that does kind of hurt to look at after a few seconds. I'd say about six frames of Hypnotoad to one frame of eyephone would probably work better.
Heh heh. Sure, if you WANT to work better.
I was trying to be as utterly garish as possible, and I think I succeeded. :-)
Well then kudos, I guess :-\
I'm not saying it was a good idea. One of those weird, extended conceits that kind of gets out of hand. I picked the prof. farnsworth avatar just on a whim and then suddenly when I post here I start hearing all my posts read in his voice. Kind of like a song stuck in your head. When I saw Funderbunk's Red Foreman post, I immediately thought "WWTPD?" What Would The Professor Do?
My first thought was a steady image of the eyePhone picture then a fast, subliminal cut of hypnotoad. Then I thought "WWTPSU?" What Would The Professor Screw Up? So I went with a clumsy attempt at subliminals done by someone who so wants to sell his product that he gives the subliminal image equal time with the image you wanted to see.
You know what the SADDEST part of this whole thing is? I really did think it through to that level.
So, Gar, I accept your kudos for successfully making the worst animated GIF I could possibly make. ;D
You get a single additional kudo for rationalising it after the fact in a manner that makes sense ;D