I'm pleased to announce the release of version 2.5 of stripShow (http://stripshow.monkeylaw.org), the all-in-one webcomics solution for WordPress!
Version 2.5 features AutoComic, allowing webcomics creators to use virtually any WordPress theme, not just themes designed specifically for webcomics. Thanks to the magic of JavaScript, you can mix comics with your regular blog and still take advantage of stripShow's features such as searchable transcripts and storylines.
Also new in 2.5 is a handy interface to add comics directly from WordPress's Add Post page. No longer do comics have to be added from a separate page.
The default stripShow template theme, stripShow Sandbox, has gotten a bit of a facelift as well, but don't worry. These changes are confined to a separate file, so they won't affect existing child themes that don't import that file.
Why stripShow? Well, obviously the vast majority of webcomics artists use ComicPress, and that works very well for them. I see stripShow 2.5 as straddling ComicPress in terms of user ability. For the absolute newbie, it allows you to use any pre-packaged WordPress theme. ComicPress is itself a theme, so there's no support for using a different one. Many creators love the out-of-the-box feel of ComicPress, but some prefer other themes. For the more advanced user, stripShow provides more customization options. Its highly-customizable parent theme and template tags make it possible to do nearly anything with it. I see it as sort of a Swiss army knife of webcomics.
stripShow 2.5 can be downloaded from the WordPress Plugin Directory (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/stripshow).
I'm always looking for new ideas to improve stripShow, and now I'm looking for help developing it as well. Both WordPress plugin developers and web designers are desired, as it's tough to juggle both tasks alone. If you're interested, send me a private message here or over on the stripShow site (http://stripshow.monkeylaw.org).
Hey... I can't believe I missed this. Any chance of getting some images or something to go along with the announcement.. you know like a visual tour of how this all works? Maybe a view of what it looks like with some templates installed and so on?
I'm curious to know how easy or difficult it would be to create the same look and functionality I have now with Comicpress. :-\
Interesting question. Monkeyangst was here today but he may have missed your question. Hopefully he'll stop by again soon and answer it.
Quote from: ScottLincoln on September 07, 2010, 01:11:59 PM
I'm curious to know how easy or difficult it would be to create the same look and functionality I have now with Comicpress. :-\
Well, it's been a while since I've looked at the components of the ComicPress theme. Functionality should all be present, it's just a matter of replacing ComicPress functions with stripShow ones.
Actually, I've been hoping someone could send me an example of a customized ComicPress theme to take a look at, to see what people are doing. I could make notes on what changes are needed. Would you be willing to send me yours?
Sure, just tell me what you need and where I should send it... it might be a bit of a hairball after what I did to it though.
Quote from: ScottLincoln on September 08, 2010, 11:11:15 AM
Sure, just tell me what you need and where I should send it... it might be a bit of a hairball after what I did to it though.
That's why I want it. ComicPress, out of the box, is clean and professional. I want something someone has really gotten into and made their own.
I'll PM you my email address.
Ooh this is exciting. ;D
Hey Monkeyangst, I was just checking to see if there was any recent update on Strip Show after you asked about the Ralf the Destroyer Style Sheet... or did I forget to send that info? It's been a while, I forget things. :P If you have any questions about my site set-up let me know.
Scott since this thread is so old you may want to consider sending Monkey a PM. Just click on his name and at the bottom you'll see a link for "Send Private Message."
Sending someone a private message kicks off an e-mail to them notifying them they have a private message (assuming that they have their account set up that way which almost everyone does since it's the default).
It will improve your chances of getting an answer. I'd love to see Monkey around here again; get us an update on his plug in. ;)