I just got back from Comic Con in San Diego. If you want to see pictures go here for Preview night (http://youngcannibals.smackjeeves.com/news-archive/posts/90367/comic-con10-day-zero-preview-night/), Day One, (http://youngcannibals.smackjeeves.com/news-archive/posts/90412/comic-con-10-day-one/) Day Two, (http://youngcannibals.smackjeeves.com/news-archive/posts/90449/comic-con-10-day-two/) Day Three (http://youngcannibals.smackjeeves.com/news-archive/posts/90498/comic-con-10-day-three/) and Day Four. (http://youngcannibals.smackjeeves.com/news-archive/posts/90570/comic-con-10-day-four/)
I noticed that I didn't see anybody dressed up as a Klingon. Everything else was well represented; there were stormtroopers, jedis, mutants, zombies and various super heroes and anime characters. People even dressed up as other characters from Star Trek.
But no Klingons.
Now that I think of it, I haven't seen any Klingons for years at San Diego or any other convention that I've attended within the last couple years. They used to be everywhere.
Anyone know what happened to them?
Funnily enough I'm just listening to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sozRqAzy6Es&feature=related) and was thinking how it sounds even more like Klingons than the original version did.
Oh no, maybe it's like the bees!
Stovo - Kor?
Fool! Their cloak is activated!
Actually, I'm pretty sure I saw some at C2E2. My theory is that Klingons only happen when you have a woman who was unpopular in high school but still had large breasts and wants to show them off now but still lacks the confidence just to wear a slutty shirt.
My god. You just perfectly described the mind of a female klingon. They are (or perceive themselves to be) butterfaces in disguise.
Shit, man, you just blew my mind.