Webcomics Community

Main Content => General Discussion => Topic started by: HelloTheFuture on July 29, 2010, 07:55:53 AM

Title: Webcomics Webconcert 8 p.m. Eastern TONIGHT! It's ONLINE and FREE!
Post by: HelloTheFuture on July 29, 2010, 07:55:53 AM
A'ight, team.  Here's everything you need to know about Webcomics Webconcert!

What: A webconcert.  About webcomics.  Comics immortalized in original, never-before-heard song to include:

Dinosaur Comics

Hark! A Vagrant

Questionable Content


Diesel Sweeties


And many more...

Where: On your very own internet.  Specifically: UStream, click right here to sign up: www.ustream.tv/channel/webcomics-webconcert (http://www.ustream.tv/channel/webcomics-webconcert).

When: On Thursday, July 29, 8:00 p.m. Eastern, click that UStream link and the Webcomics Webconcert will automatically start streaming into your browser!  ALSO it is interactive—you can chat with me while the concert is going on, suggest songs, etc.  You can also chat with the other people who are at the concert!  It will be a big internet party, that's for sure.

How long will it take? Webcomics Webconcert will take somewhere between 45 minutes and 1 hour, depending on how long we all spend chatting about whether Marigold and Dale should totally date (they totally should).

Title: Re: Webcomics Webconcert 8 p.m. Eastern TONIGHT! It's ONLINE and FREE!
Post by: Gar on July 29, 2010, 08:30:04 AM
Awww, with the time difference that's on past my bedtime :( Will you be recording it?
Title: Re: Webcomics Webconcert 8 p.m. Eastern TONIGHT! It's ONLINE and FREE!
Post by: Rob on July 29, 2010, 02:43:46 PM
Ustream generally records all  broadcasts the real question is whether she will make it available for streaming afterward or not. My guess is that if you check out the show channel the following day it will most likely be there for your viewing pleasure.

Title: Re: Webcomics Webconcert 8 p.m. Eastern TONIGHT! It's ONLINE and FREE!
Post by: HelloTheFuture on July 29, 2010, 06:14:04 PM
Yes.  Recording will be available after the performance.  :)  Thanks!
Title: Re: Webcomics Webconcert 8 p.m. Eastern TONIGHT! It's ONLINE and FREE!
Post by: Rob on July 29, 2010, 08:55:26 PM
A good time was had by all.... although it's probably a good thing the chat does not get recorded with the video and audio... I was feeling particularly obnoxious and juvenile tonight.

When Blue said she would do some Q&A and I suggested some T&A.... I knew I had gone too far.   :P

I had become: TROLL MAN! Scourge of the internet. Bastion of hate! Make of... bad... jokes.

Anyway, the songs were fun and Blue is a sweetie with a demented "Julie Andrews" like voice so I recommend you check it out if you have time. It's less than an hour and she keeps it moving along nicely.  ;)