Hello, glad to join the forums with all you great folks. I'm Nick, I've been doing the webcomic Cooties (http://cooties.spiderforest.com) since 2006 and am still learning a lot about how to do this whole webcomic thing. Hope to glean some wisdom from some of the fine creators here!
Wow, 2006. You've been around awhile. And it looks like you started in crayon? Or is that just an effect?
I like it. I'll have to check it out more when I have time to go through your archive.
And just back from a big hiatus. I'm going through that myself right now with my main comic. Sucks.
Anyway, Welcome! Can I get you a pillow? Blanket? Let me know if I can make your flight more comfortable.
Ha! Not a crayon, but I suppose MS Paint is the webcomic equivalent of a crayon, isn't it?
And I'll have some pretzels, please!