It's been a while since I actually posted anything here but I am looking for some input from people who speak french.
We are working on making our comic bilingual. I am from Canada so the French I know is from Quebec. The writer for the comic is from the UK and learned European French. My french is stronger than his so my friend from Quebec is fixing my grammar. The writer says that people who speak European french won't understand it.
So basically I need to know if Euro-French speakers can understand my pages.
and the English for comparison.
Sorry I don't speak French. But that Raccoon is adorable and it needed to be said. Tre Magnifique!
I have no idea what that means. I saw it in a movie once. I hope it means nice things. ;D
I'd say the differences between Canadian french and French french are probably about on par with the differences between American english and English english. There are some differences in spelling and dialect, but nothing that'd be a serious barrier to understanding. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
And yes, you have some very cute art.
Hell, I don't speak French, and I failed all my European French classes in High School and even with my limited knowledge I could understand it.
It's true, the difference between Euro and Quebecois French is not so different that one can't understand the other, but it's also true that Euro French look condescendingly upon the Quebecois, though not as poorly as they look on Acadiens.
Quote from: Rob on August 08, 2010, 09:27:08 PM
Tre Magnifique!
I have no idea what that means. I saw it in a movie once. I hope it means nice things. ;D
Tres magnifique!
Unless you were referring to francophone hip-hop sensation Tre Magnifique
(does not exist) in which case, "Oui oui oui garcon, c'est mal!"
Quote from: Gibson on August 10, 2010, 01:39:45 PM
It's true, the difference between Euro and Quebecois French is not so different that one can't understand the other, but it's also true that Euro French look condescendingly upon the Quebecois
The French look condescendingly upon
everyone, they're arrogant the way Americans are loud and Irish people are drunk.
Thank you very much for the feed back. We'll be pushing forward with more french pages working with the editor from Quebec.
Very greatful for the feed back. you guys rock.
That's cool you're getting your webcomic translated in another language. Few other webcomics I read are available in multiple languages.
Has anyone else considered doing it?
Quote from: Dudley on August 12, 2010, 09:22:16 PM
That's cool you're getting your webcomic translated in another language. Few other webcomics I read are available in multiple languages.
Has anyone else considered doing it?
I have, since I'm Argentinian and living there, I think I could push it around, but for that I need a Spanish version ;D Now that the English site is updated and done, I'm working on translating it all... Different dialects are a big issue with me. The Spanish we speak here is very... special ( So it's a bit of an extra work to get it to be Neutral Spanish (and it's gonna be a little plot point: just like Chop speaks in
Engrish, she will be the only one speaking
Argentinian Spanish while everyone else speaks
Neutro). English is my second language, and even if you could say I'm fluent, I always make sure a native speaker takes a look at it before I post it.
And sorry, I can't help with the French ;D
It's an avenue that we're currently considering for one of our comics. The artist for our comic Supa Bigu Man seems to think that it might be well received in Spanish and since he is a native Spanish speaker he says he could do it for us.
Is there a significant market for Spanish language webcomics?
If the print market is as big as Franco-Belgian or Japan, like I heard it was, than it should be popular in the web.