A number of comics blogs and journals have little forms or mailing addresses where you can submit press releases and information, I was just wondering: what exactly are you meant to put in these?
Your name and the URL of your site seem obvious, but what kind of information are you meant to provide? Do you give a little summary and description of your comic? How long should it be? What kind of language are you meant to use? Is it better to try and be formal & businesslike or witty & enthusiastic? Do you mention your traffic stats? Do you attach a couple of sample comics or do you just hope the blogger/journalist will visit your site and see for themselves?
I've never actually seen a press release, so I'm not sure what they're meant to look like.
Try having a read through a few of the ones on there.
That should help, hopefully.
Edit: Better yet, this one: http://www.free-press-release.com/cat/4.html
Press releases are only used to announce something, ie a guest appearance at a convention, the launch of a webcomic or chapter, an award or a publishing deal, among other notable events.