Webcomics Community

New Members => Introduce Yourself! => Topic started by: Peagreencoffeecup on September 04, 2010, 11:02:29 AM

Title: Hello! I'm Jared of Peagreencoffeecup.com
Post by: Peagreencoffeecup on September 04, 2010, 11:02:29 AM
Hey everyone! I'm new to the community of web-comics! I really enjoy them and have loved going through this and finding all kinds of new ones. My comic is called Pea Green Coffee Cup and it's just life stories and that sort of thing from me. I hope to get to know as many of you as possible. This site's really great!


Title: Re: Hello! I'm Jared of Peagreencoffeecup.com
Post by: Gar on September 04, 2010, 12:05:42 PM
Hi. welcome to the board. That's a funny comic you've got there, good job!
Title: Re: Hello! I'm Jared of Peagreencoffeecup.com
Post by: Rob on September 04, 2010, 12:37:20 PM
Hey man. Welcome to the site.  ;)
Title: Re: Hello! I'm Jared of Peagreencoffeecup.com
Post by: Richard on September 04, 2010, 08:27:24 PM
Welcome to the boards. The pages you have up gave me a few chuckles, good work man!