My name is Noah Rodenbeek and I make drawnbymouse ( I'm excited to see how others have contributed here and what I might be able to contribute myself.
Hi, Noah - I'm new as well ^.^ I liked your moonwalking garden gnome animation!
Noah I edited your post to fix your broken link. You forgot the .com. No biggie and glad to help. ;)
So what animation program are you using? Or was that line about them not being hand drawn a joke?
I use Hash's Animation: Master and although my rank at the site is "Master" I still have tons and tons to learn. Nice to have another animator here.
Welcome. ;)
sweet, thanks guys, and thanks for the link fix. I make the animations in Illustrator, and I'll transfer them to Flash if they get too big. Illustrator starts glitching out if your file gets to big, but it has a cool function where it exports layers as frames in a swf file. It's really really fun to play around with.
These are really neat! Did not expect the vomiting on the second ball-throwing one. D:
Heheh I loved "Metro Gnome"
Thanks for the kind words. It's been really fun making these and learning about webcomics in general. It's a hobby I really just picked up last year and I've been surprised to find such an already rich history. It's kind of cool to watch pioneers like Penny-Arcade from their first, amateur looking strips to their overwhelming success today. It's equal parts discouraging and inspiring, you know?