So I'm finally getting the kind of traffic where I feel comfortable asking you guys for guest strips. I've discovered a lot of cool webcomics through this forum and feel a closer connection to you guys than anyone else in this weird industry of ours.
If you're feeling up to it, drop me a line at
[email protected]. I'd prefer you keep the art mouse drawn, but outside of that I have no parameters. My general content is as varied in subject matter as it is in format. Illustrations, panelled comics, animated shorts, it's allllll good.
I'll try and get something done for this, I haven't drawn with a mouse for years, but I've got an idea for something.
great man, that would be awesome!
Thought I'd link the guest strip Gar did for me, I'm very happy with it. This is only my second guest strip received and I think I wants more. If anyone else feels up to the mouse-drawing challenge, drop me a line.
Neko the Kitty's Guest Strip:
I REALLY want to but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I'll let you know if something breaks though. Sorry. :-\
There is zero deadline on this thing. My own posting schedule is erratic at best, so, if/when the inspiration ever strikes, I'll totally take your submission. Thanks!