Hi All!
I am happy to be here. I am a publicist for a handful of web comic creators including Kate Graham (CyberGen 2027), Dirk Tiede (Paradigm Shift), Joe McGlone (Beyond the Dark and Leaves of Yggdrasil), Everett Soares (Sky Pirates of Valendor) and Andrew Zar (DarkBrain.com)
You can check out more about me and my projects at www.sjscomicpromotions.com.
Sue welcome and thank you for stopping by. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. Been working all the overtime I can handle... that time of year and all.
I think Kate was here for a little while and then wandered off as sometimes happens (and if I updated the main content page... what's sad is I actually have a new article for it but I've been too busy to do much of anything lately... maybe less people would wander off) I've heard of the rest of the folk but Dirk is mah boy!
(not really)
But I love that guy. Dirk is just great. We had dinner together after Connecticon last July (well technically all of us webcomics folks had dinner together... I was just lucky enough to be seated next to Dirk for most of the night).
I first met Dirk back at Connecticon... I think it was 2006 or 2007... I can't recall. I could check my records but who cares right? Anyway, I was just attending; looking to meet the webcomics creators that I already read and ended up leaving with a lot more to read on my list. Dirk drew me a lovely sketch of his girl. I still have it.
I'm sorry I missed you at NY Comic Con. I was about five or six tables down from Dirk (it was good to see him again).
I'd love to hear more about what you do for webcomics. And feel free to speak to me like I'm an idiot who has no idea what a publicist does for webcomics (because I am and I don't... LOL).
Once again, welcome. ;)